O corpo (não) ideal: relatório de um podcast jornalístico respeito da gordofobia sofrida por mulheres gordas na sociedade atual
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Citações (Scopus)
Sousa, Denise Crispim de
Lima, Manoel Roberto Nascimento de
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Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal a elaboração de um podcast
jornalístico para discutir sobre a gordofobia e como está sendo para uma mulher gorda
viver na sociedade atual, onde padrões de beleza são impostos e quem não está
dentro dele sofre preconceitos em diversas esferas, seja no âmbito da saúde,
cultura, lazer, moda ou profissional. Visando desenvolver este produto, foi necessário
um estudo bibliográfico sobre a gordofobia, representatividade, a história do podcast
e como esse se tornou um veículo de distribuição de informação de forma rápida e
efetiva. As entrevistadas: Andressa Osako, Beatriz Melo, Gabrielli Ranzan, Juliana
Vieira e Rute Alves contribuíram para que fosse possível compreender diferentes
pontos de vista e vivências da gordofobia no cotidiano.
This project has as its main objective, through a journalistic podcast to talk about fat phobia and the current day life of a fat woman who lives in a society , where standards of beauty are imposed and those who are not in it suffer prejudice in different contexts.Whether in the field of health, culture, leisure, fashion, or profession. Aiming to develop this project, it was necessary to carry out a bibliographical study about fat phobia, representativeness, and how became a vessel for distributing information in a quick and effective way. Interviewees: Andressa Osako, Beatriz Melo, Gabrielli Ranzan, Juliana Viera and Rute Alves contributed by sharing their experiences and perspectives on what it is like being a fat woman who has to deal with fatphobia on a daily basis.
This project has as its main objective, through a journalistic podcast to talk about fat phobia and the current day life of a fat woman who lives in a society , where standards of beauty are imposed and those who are not in it suffer prejudice in different contexts.Whether in the field of health, culture, leisure, fashion, or profession. Aiming to develop this project, it was necessary to carry out a bibliographical study about fat phobia, representativeness, and how became a vessel for distributing information in a quick and effective way. Interviewees: Andressa Osako, Beatriz Melo, Gabrielli Ranzan, Juliana Viera and Rute Alves contributed by sharing their experiences and perspectives on what it is like being a fat woman who has to deal with fatphobia on a daily basis.
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gordofobia , podcast jornalístico , gorda , mulher gorda , fat phobia , journalistic podcast , fat , fat woman