Ribeirão do tempo: as questões sociais pautadas no enredo da novela
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Rodrigues, Julia Tamelini
Pinto, Paulo Rodrigo Ranieri Dias Martino
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Este relatório descreve o processo de produção de uma grande reportagem transmídia, o qual buscou relacionar as questões sociais pautadas na novela Ribeirão do Tempo com os problemas sociais referentes ao Brasil. O projeto consistiu na discussão de problemas políticos, corrupção, a suplência no senado, a preservação do meio ambiente, a construção de um grande empreendimento, a manipulação de um site, a programação de um hacker, pedofilia, a questão do papel do professor na sociedade brasileira, e a sabotagem da queda de um avião. Além disso, os personagens da trama, que foram abordados, também estão interligados com esses acontecimentos sociais. Este trabalho evidenciou e correlacionou como cada um dos personagens encarnaram e representaram as questões exibidas na história de Ribeirão do Tempo. Esta pesquisa é discutida na plataforma online Wix, que apresenta entrevistas com jornalistas, atores, críticos de televisão, professores, especialistas e o autor-roteirista, Marcílio Moraes. Ademais, o projeto está repleto de pesquisas coletadas em veículos de comunicação on-line, a fim de embasar conceitos sociais, complementar com explicações e mostrar exemplos referentes às questões sociais no Brasil. Os resultados foram alcançados desde o início do projeto, que foi expor os assuntos sociais da novela Ribeirão do Tempo e relacioná-las com questões sociais que os brasileiros convivem. Por fim, escrever sobre a novela Ribeirão do Tempo e questões sociais foi uma jornada bem criativa e interessante, mas, ao mesmo tempo, desafiadora.
This is a report that describes the process of producing a great transmedia narrative, which sought to relate the socials issues based on the soap opera Ribeirão do Tempo with the social problems present in Brazil. The project consisted of the discussion of political problems, corruption, the substitution in the Senate, the preservation of the environment, the construction of a large enterprise, the manipulation of a website, the programming of a hacker, pedophilia, the question of the teacher's role in Brazilian society, and the sabotage of a plane crash. Moreover, the characters of the plot that were approached, are also interconnected with these social events. This work showed and correlated how each of the characters incarnated and represented the questions displayed in the Ribeirão do Tempo’s story. All of this research is discussed on the Wix online platform, which features interviews with journalists, actors, television critics, teachers, specialists and the author-writer, Marcílio Moraes. Futhermore, the project is full of research collected in online communication vehicles, in order to support social concepts, complement with explanations and show examples referring to social issues in Brazil. The results were achieved since the beginning of the project, which was to expose the social issues of the soap opera Ribeirão do Tempo and relate them to social issues that Brazilians live with. Finally, writing about the soap opera Ribeirão do Tempo and social issues was a very creative and interesting journey, but at the same time challenging.
This is a report that describes the process of producing a great transmedia narrative, which sought to relate the socials issues based on the soap opera Ribeirão do Tempo with the social problems present in Brazil. The project consisted of the discussion of political problems, corruption, the substitution in the Senate, the preservation of the environment, the construction of a large enterprise, the manipulation of a website, the programming of a hacker, pedophilia, the question of the teacher's role in Brazilian society, and the sabotage of a plane crash. Moreover, the characters of the plot that were approached, are also interconnected with these social events. This work showed and correlated how each of the characters incarnated and represented the questions displayed in the Ribeirão do Tempo’s story. All of this research is discussed on the Wix online platform, which features interviews with journalists, actors, television critics, teachers, specialists and the author-writer, Marcílio Moraes. Futhermore, the project is full of research collected in online communication vehicles, in order to support social concepts, complement with explanations and show examples referring to social issues in Brazil. The results were achieved since the beginning of the project, which was to expose the social issues of the soap opera Ribeirão do Tempo and relate them to social issues that Brazilians live with. Finally, writing about the soap opera Ribeirão do Tempo and social issues was a very creative and interesting journey, but at the same time challenging.
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novela Ribeirão do tempo , questões sociais , gênero novela , jornalismo online , Ribeirão do tempo soap opera , social issues , soap opera genre , online journalism