"Nem o filho, senão somente o pai": avaliação crítico-propositiva das diferentes interpretações cristológicas de mateus 24.36
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Freitas, Pedro Wazen de
Aquino, João Paulo Thomaz de
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A declaração de Jesus, em Mateus 24.36 de que “nem o Filho” sabe o dia a hora tem suscitado extenso debate ao longo da História da Igreja. O presente trabalho apresenta as diversas posições interpretativas da perícope na história e, a partir da exegese de Mateus 24.36, faz uma análise crítica de tais propostas. Ao final, é esboçada uma proposta baseada nas diversas contribuições históricas, que lidará com a subordinação funcional do Filho ao Pai, impondo uma ignorância temporária e específica, sem afetar a natureza divina do Filho, mediante o uso metonímico da palavra “Filho” no referido texto.
Jesus statement in Matthew 24:36 that "nor the Son" knows the day and the hour has sparked off an extensive debate throughout Church History. This paper presents the different interpretative positions of the pericope in history and, based on the exegesis of Matthew 24.36, makes a critical analysis of such proposals. In the end, a proposal is outlined based on the various historical contributions. Such propositive outline deals with the functional subordination of the Son to the Father, imposing a temporary and specific ignorance, without affecting The Son’s divine nature, through the metonymic use of the word "Son" in the text of Matthew 24.36.
Jesus statement in Matthew 24:36 that "nor the Son" knows the day and the hour has sparked off an extensive debate throughout Church History. This paper presents the different interpretative positions of the pericope in history and, based on the exegesis of Matthew 24.36, makes a critical analysis of such proposals. In the end, a proposal is outlined based on the various historical contributions. Such propositive outline deals with the functional subordination of the Son to the Father, imposing a temporary and specific ignorance, without affecting The Son’s divine nature, through the metonymic use of the word "Son" in the text of Matthew 24.36.
cristologia , parusia , kenosis , communicatio idiomatum , união hipostática , christology , parousia , kenosis , communicatio idiomatum , hypostatic union