Centro Empresarial Itaú: do edifício a cidade
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Cupertino, Jaime Marcondes
Zein, Ruth Verde
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Membros da banca
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
This dissertation departs from the analysis of the project of Centro Empresarial Itaú (CEI), of which I am co-author, searching to configure a case of research in design. This project represents a particular case of the development of
the city, being an example of direct action of Emurb (meaning the State) in its urbanization, where we can perceive its qualities and limitations. The structure of the dissertation has, as the starting point, the experience of the author. It analyzes the project of the CEI, not in a systematic and descriptive form, but searching to unveil the designing process. It follows its development in time, identifying the relevant points and trying to clarify the criteria and the contexts of the design s decision making. The objective of this procedure
is to allow that the main solutions are understood inside
of the horizon and in the direction that they had when they had been made. The project also is analyzed by the optics of its functional typology, understanding its historical evolution and comparing it with other projects in similar contexts, either regarding the program, or the site: the city of São Paulo. Finally I analyze what I consider its more important aspect, its relation with the city, not only trough the relation of the building with its immediate surroundings, but as an element of the process of construction of the city. This process is here considered as a result of the action of the State, when it regulates its occupation or executes buildings, public spaces and infrastructure. But also mainly as an effect of the sprayed action of thousand of individuals or groups that plan and build.
centro empresarial , edifício , cidade , projeto de arquitetura , enterprise center , building , city , architectural project