As provas digitais e justiça do trabalho 4.0: impacto da utilização de ferramentas digitais como meio de prova em processos trabalhistas
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Fernandes, Alice Dantas
Marinho, Maria Edelvacy Pinto
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A era digital trouxe consigo a expectativa de resultados mais rápidos em diversas áreas, incluindo negócios, política e, por que não, o direito. Isso se deve ao fato de que a tecnologia possibilitou realizar tarefas mais rapidamente do que no passado, e as pessoas acabam esperando que isso se traduza em resultados mais ágeis para todos os aspectos de suas vidas. Neste sentido, um dos atuais desafios enfrentados pelo Judiciário Brasileiro, é justamente conseguir lidar com o elevado número de ações judiciais instauradas a cada ano, em conjunto com o volume considerável de processos que já estavam parados aguardando algum tipo de decisão. É de conhecimento, que este cenário vem gerando críticas, principalmente no que diz respeito à percepção de que o judiciário apresenta uma certa ineficiência e morosidade quanto à proteção adequada dos direitos de seus tutelados. Nesse contexto, surgiu o programa Justiça 4.0, criado pelo próprio Conselho Nacional de Justiça, com a promessa de modernizar o sistema de justiça e torná-lo mais acessível e eficiente para os cidadãos. Sendo uma de suas ferramentas mais importantes, as chamadas “Provas Digitais”, que visa melhorar a eficiência e a precisão do sistema judicial do trabalho, através da integração da tecnologia digital e da inteligência artificial (IA) ao sistema de justiça, funcionando como um “novo” meio de prova. O presente artigo, por meio de pesquisa doutrinária e jurisprudencial, buscará entender como essa integração pode ajudar a melhorar a eficiência e a precisão do sistema judicial trabalhista.
The digital age has brought with it the expectation of faster results in various areas, including business, politics, and, why not, law. This is due to the fact that technology has made it possible to perform tasks more quickly than in the past, and people end up expecting this to translate into more agile results for all aspects of their lives. In this sense, one of the current challenges faced by the Brazilian Judiciary is precisely to deal with the high number of lawsuits filed each year, along with the considerable volume of cases that were already stalled awaiting some kind of decision. It is known that this scenario has generated criticism, especially regarding the perception that the judiciary presents a certain inefficiency and slowness in providing adequate protection of the rights of its wards. In this context, the Justiça 4.0 program was created by the National Council of Justice itself, with the promise of modernizing the justice system and making it more accessible and efficient for citizens. One of its most important tools is the so-called "Digital Evidence," which aims to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the labor judicial system through the integration of digital technology and artificial intelligence (AI) into the justice system, functioning as a "new" means of proof. This article, through doctrinal and jurisprudential research, will seek to understand how this integration can help improve the efficiency and accuracy of the labor judicial system.
The digital age has brought with it the expectation of faster results in various areas, including business, politics, and, why not, law. This is due to the fact that technology has made it possible to perform tasks more quickly than in the past, and people end up expecting this to translate into more agile results for all aspects of their lives. In this sense, one of the current challenges faced by the Brazilian Judiciary is precisely to deal with the high number of lawsuits filed each year, along with the considerable volume of cases that were already stalled awaiting some kind of decision. It is known that this scenario has generated criticism, especially regarding the perception that the judiciary presents a certain inefficiency and slowness in providing adequate protection of the rights of its wards. In this context, the Justiça 4.0 program was created by the National Council of Justice itself, with the promise of modernizing the justice system and making it more accessible and efficient for citizens. One of its most important tools is the so-called "Digital Evidence," which aims to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the labor judicial system through the integration of digital technology and artificial intelligence (AI) into the justice system, functioning as a "new" means of proof. This article, through doctrinal and jurisprudential research, will seek to understand how this integration can help improve the efficiency and accuracy of the labor judicial system.
era digital , justiça do trabalho , justiça 4.0 , integração , digital era , labor justice , justice 4.0 , integration