O conflito entre o compromisso do médico e poder familiar em relação a vida a partir da crença do Testemunho de Jeová
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Lima, Heloísa Agostineli de
Rocha, Renata da
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Este trabalho trata do conflito entre o compromisso do médico com relação a vida em realção a
religião testemunho de Jeová e suas crenças, onde, por se tratar de um país laico, as religiões
devem ser respeitadas de maneira igualitária, segundo disposo na constituição Federal, assim
como a autonomia do paciente deve ser ouvida para decorrer com seu tratamento. Aqui
analisamos através dos preceitos Penais, Constitucionais e Civeis, e daremos enfoque ao direito
de personalidade e autonomia da vontade do paciente perante a transfusão. Tamabém
analisaremos do víes médico alguns artigos para sabermos ambos os lados, para assim
podermos entender de uma maneira mais clara como o prodecedimento deve ser feito sem que
nenhum dos lados sejam prejudicados, mas buscando o respeito a autonomia do paciente, vez
que por se tratar de um estado laico, o que se prega e acredita nesta religião deve ser respeitado
assim como qualquer outra religião existente no Brasil.
This work deals with the conflict between the physician's commitment to life in relation to the Jehovah's testimony religion and his beliefs, where, because it is a secular country, religions must be respected in an equal manner, according to the provisions of the Federal Constitution, as well as the patient's autonomy must be heard to proceed with his treatment. Here we analyze through the Penal, Constitutional and Civil precepts, and we will focus on the right to personality and autonomy of the patient's will in the face of transfusion. We will also analyze some articles from the medical field so that we know both sides, so that we can understand more clearly how the procedure should be carried out without any of the sides being harmed, but seeking respect for the patient's autonomy, since it is of a secular state, what is preached and believed in this religion must be respected just like any other existing religion in Brazil.
This work deals with the conflict between the physician's commitment to life in relation to the Jehovah's testimony religion and his beliefs, where, because it is a secular country, religions must be respected in an equal manner, according to the provisions of the Federal Constitution, as well as the patient's autonomy must be heard to proceed with his treatment. Here we analyze through the Penal, Constitutional and Civil precepts, and we will focus on the right to personality and autonomy of the patient's will in the face of transfusion. We will also analyze some articles from the medical field so that we know both sides, so that we can understand more clearly how the procedure should be carried out without any of the sides being harmed, but seeking respect for the patient's autonomy, since it is of a secular state, what is preached and believed in this religion must be respected just like any other existing religion in Brazil.
médico , paciente , testemunho de Jéová , autonomia da vontade , physician , patient , testimony of Jéová , autonomy of the will