Hormônios no fisiculturismo: relatório da realização de uma reportagem multimídia a respeito do uso de esteroides anabolizantes em campeonatos de bodybuilding
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Pedro, Raphael Freitas
Gurgel, Anderson
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Este relatório dá suporte para o desenvolvimento de uma reportagem multimídia sobre a utilização de esteroides anabolizantes em campeonatos de fisiculturismo. Com a popularização do esporte dentro da internet, se tornou comum que atletas, principalmente no Brasil, falem publicamente sobre o uso de hormônios em suas competições. O uso de hormônios e o fisiculturismo são intimamente ligados, e a naturalidade com que o tema é tratado causa, em alguns casos, a banalização do uso de drogas para melhor desempenho esportivo. Laboratórios tem ganhado espaço no mercado ilegal de anabolizantes, uma vez que consultórios médicos têm poucas opções de fármacos para oferecer. Como qualquer medicamento os esteroides anabólicos têm efeitos colaterais que, se não acompanhados por profissionais capacitados, podem trazer problemas graves de saúde, por isso é de extrema importância entender como é funcionamento de ergogênicos no corpo e buscar fornecedores que possam comprovar a qualidade dos produtos.
This report supports the development of a multimedia reporting about the use of anabolic steroids in bodybuilding championships. With the popularization of sport on the internet, it has become common for athletes, especially in Brazil, to speak publicly about the use of hormones in their competitions. The use of hormones and bodybuilding are closely linked, and the naturalness with which the topic is treated causes, in some cases, the trivialization of the use of drugs for better sports performance. Laboratories have been gaining ground in the illegal anabolic market, as doctors' offices have few options for drugs to offer. Like any medicine, anabolic steroids have side effects that, if not accompanied by trained professionals, can bring serious health problems, so it is extremely important to understand how ergogenic products work in the body and to look for suppliers who can prove the quality of the products.
This report supports the development of a multimedia reporting about the use of anabolic steroids in bodybuilding championships. With the popularization of sport on the internet, it has become common for athletes, especially in Brazil, to speak publicly about the use of hormones in their competitions. The use of hormones and bodybuilding are closely linked, and the naturalness with which the topic is treated causes, in some cases, the trivialization of the use of drugs for better sports performance. Laboratories have been gaining ground in the illegal anabolic market, as doctors' offices have few options for drugs to offer. Like any medicine, anabolic steroids have side effects that, if not accompanied by trained professionals, can bring serious health problems, so it is extremely important to understand how ergogenic products work in the body and to look for suppliers who can prove the quality of the products.
Acesso online:
jornalismo , fisiculturismo , hormônios , esteroides , journalism , bodybuilding , hormones , steroids