Compliance trabalhista: a importância de um programa efetivo nas empresas
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Flôr, Thainá Lacerda Bonifácio
Afonso, Túlio Augusto Tayano
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O presente projeto visa estudar e analisar com base em livros e estudos de profissionais da área do Direito sobre o Compliance na esfera trabalhista e como um programa efetivo e bem aplicado pode funcionar como ferramenta para mitigar o risco de situações contrárias a lei dentro das empresas.
O estudo foi separado em três vertentes, o primeiro capítulo como introdução ao tema, o conceito de compliance a fim de explicar o que é o instituto, o início dele no Brasil e como pode ser inserido nas questões trabalhistas.
Ao passo que é necessário entender a importância de alguns conceitos, o segundo capítulo esclarece a respeito da importância de um programa de Compliance Trabalhista no mundo corporativo, além de expor também pontos sobre o ambiente de trabalho, relação de emprego e sobre as práticas que podem ser combatidas com os mecanismos do Compliance.
Dessa forma, o terceiro capítulo encerra o trabalho com uma vasta exposição de um programa efetivo e os instrumentos que podem ser utilizados para prevenir adversidades da lei trabalhista e as vantagens que as empresas podem ter com esses procedimentos instaurados da maneira correta e de forma contínua.
The present project aims to study and analyze, based on books and atudies by professionals in the field of Law, on Compliance in the labor sphere and how an effetice and well aplplied program can work as a tool to mitigate the risk of situations contrary to the law with in companies. The study was divided into three strands, the first chapter as an introduction to the subject, the concept of Compliance in order to explain what the institute is, it’s a beginnings in Brasil and how it can be inserted in labor issues. While it is necessary to understand the importance of labor compliance program in the corporate word, as wee as exposing points about the work environment, employment relationship and practices that can be fought with de Labor Compliance. In this way, the third chapter ends the work with a wide exposition of effective program and the instruments that can be used to prevent adversities of the labor law and the advantages that companies can have with procedures implanted correctly and continuously.
The present project aims to study and analyze, based on books and atudies by professionals in the field of Law, on Compliance in the labor sphere and how an effetice and well aplplied program can work as a tool to mitigate the risk of situations contrary to the law with in companies. The study was divided into three strands, the first chapter as an introduction to the subject, the concept of Compliance in order to explain what the institute is, it’s a beginnings in Brasil and how it can be inserted in labor issues. While it is necessary to understand the importance of labor compliance program in the corporate word, as wee as exposing points about the work environment, employment relationship and practices that can be fought with de Labor Compliance. In this way, the third chapter ends the work with a wide exposition of effective program and the instruments that can be used to prevent adversities of the labor law and the advantages that companies can have with procedures implanted correctly and continuously.
complice , trabalhista , empresa , work environment , compliance , labor compliance