Satisfação, fidelização de clientes e engajamento de funcionários: ações para criação de valor e resultados sustentáveis no varejo financeiro
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Dias, Mariana Pires
Silva, Adilson Aderito da
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Membros da banca
Caldeira, Adilson
Cappellozza, Alexandre
Cappellozza, Alexandre
Administração do Desenvolvimento de Negócios
The present work begins with the collection of information about the current scenario of the national financial industry, as well as the historical effects in its construction, its challenges and context in which Banco do Brasil is inserted. The sectoral panorama shows the increase in the complexity and competition of the sector, in addition to the traditional banks, the fintechs and technology giant(bigtechs)are also present in the new context, acting in sectors neglected by the big retail banks. The behavior of the consumer is also a relevant factor in the analysis, since the way this deals with a financial institution has been transformed over the years. From the observation of the self-reinforcing relationship presented by the service-profit chain, the influencethat employees and customersatisfaction have in the generation of results for the company is ratified. When looking at the internal environment of Banco do Brasil, it is noted that the Customer Satisfaction Survey presents a lower score than the competition, just as the Engagement, Climate and Satisfaction Surveys also reveal opportunities for improvement. Another aspect presented is the impact that the organizational dragcan have on employee productivity, which is also related to job satisfaction and consequently results earned. The proposed improvement and action plan are designed to implement actions to stimulate and enhance the engagement of employeesinto company ́s purpose –to take care of what mattersto people -with an impact on their satisfaction, productivity and on raising customer satisfaction rates and the results obtained by Banco do Brasil. The complexity of its elaboration is due to the company's gigantism and specificities, which require from a macro understanding of the marketin which the bank is inserted until a deep dive in the local microrrealities, besides its applicability proves feasible by means of various stakeholders involved in the operational, tactical and strategic layers of the bank, in a proposal that will initially have experimental character (test), for further expansion.
bancos , satisfação do funcionário , satisfação do cliente; , engajamento , resultado
Assuntos Scopus
DIAS, Mariana Pires. Satisfação, fidelização de clientes e engajamento de funcionários: ações para criação de valor e resultados sustentáveis no varejo financeiro. 2019. 71 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Administração do Desenvolvimento de Negócios) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo. 2020.