Territórios vulneráveis, arquitetura e urbanismo: estratégias contemporâneas de ação

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Loeb, Rodrigo Mindlin
Lima, Ana Gabriela Godinho
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Alvim, Angelica Aparecida Tanus Benatti
Regino, Aline Nassaralla
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
This master's dissertation proposes a discussion on the accelerated contemporary growth of vulnerable urban territories, and the complex issues that this poses to architecture and urbanism. Building an understanding from the perspective of gender and childhood, the work is part of the analysis of the theoretical reference raised about the current state of the debate about the approaches of design practices to the themes of social and territorial vulnerability; follows considerations on how vulnerability affects in particular women and children and recognizes historical precedents in the recognition and appreciation of popular and spontaneous cultures. Taking the discussion forward, a characterization of vulnerable territory is proposed, and the enumeration of essential conditions for analysis and proposal of interventions in these contexts, with emphasis on the articulated engagement of five instances: civil society, community, private initiative, university and public authorities. Five case studies are analyzed: Glicério, Jardim Lapenna, Parelheiros and Favela do Moinho in the city of São Paulo and Arari, in the municipality of the same name. The results of the analyses indicate that the understanding of the articulation modes of the five instances is still under construction. Nevertheless, the results of the actions seem to be better the more these instances participate and articulate.
infância , primeira infância , gênero , território , vulnerabilidade , informalidade , sustentabilidade , meio ambiente , desenho urbano , participação , liderança , comunidade
Assuntos Scopus
LOEB, Rodrigo Mindlin. Territórios vulneráveis, arquitetura e urbanismo: estratégias contemporâneas de ação. 135 f. Dissertação (Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2019.