Violência obstétrica no Brasil: um estudo sobre a legislação estadual e a legislação federal projetada
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Marques, Marina Mascarenhas
Almeida, Jéssica Pascoal Santos
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Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo central realizar um estudo e analisar criticamente as leis estaduais e a legislação federal projetada sobre violência obstétrica. Para isto, inicialmente, serão analisados diferentes conceitos para violência obstétrica, bem como suas principais espécies. Será possível observar que não há um consenso sobre a definição desta prática, mas que ela tem em seu cerne a perda da autonomia da gestante, parturiente, puérpera e pessoas em situação de abortamento e a retirada de seu poder de decisão sobre o próprio corpo. Igualmente, é impossível definir todas as espécies de violência obstétrica, sendo possível, apenas, elencar suas principais formas. Sobre as normas jurídicas, serão analisados os principais dispositivos trazidos pelas leis estaduais e projetos de lei, frequentemente curtos e genéricos, e sem expectativas de avanços, concluindo-se pela urgência da elaboração de normas mais completas, abarcando os muitos aspectos que envolvem a violência obstétrica, assim como pela necessidade de avanços na tramitação dos projetos de lei acerca do tema.
This research has as its central goal to study and critically analyze state laws and projected federal legislation on obstetric violence. To achieve this, initially, different concepts for obstetric violence will be analyzed, as well as its main types. It will be observed that there is no consensus on the definition of this practice, but that it has at its core the loss of autonomy of pregnant women, parturient women, postpartum women and people undergoing abortion and the withdrawal of their decision-making power over their own bodies. Likewise, it is impossible to define all types of obstetric violence, and it is only possible to list its main forms. Regarding legal norms, it will be analyzed the most important devices brought by state laws and projected federal laws, those often short and generic, and with no expectation of progress, concluding for the urgency to develop more complete norms, covering the many aspects involving obstetric violence, as well as the need for advances in the processing of projected bills on the matter.
This research has as its central goal to study and critically analyze state laws and projected federal legislation on obstetric violence. To achieve this, initially, different concepts for obstetric violence will be analyzed, as well as its main types. It will be observed that there is no consensus on the definition of this practice, but that it has at its core the loss of autonomy of pregnant women, parturient women, postpartum women and people undergoing abortion and the withdrawal of their decision-making power over their own bodies. Likewise, it is impossible to define all types of obstetric violence, and it is only possible to list its main forms. Regarding legal norms, it will be analyzed the most important devices brought by state laws and projected federal laws, those often short and generic, and with no expectation of progress, concluding for the urgency to develop more complete norms, covering the many aspects involving obstetric violence, as well as the need for advances in the processing of projected bills on the matter.
violência obstétrica , direito da mulher , parto humanizado , legislação estadual , legislação federal projetada , obstetric violence , women’s rights , humanized childbirth , state law , projected federal legislation