Abertura e sobreposição : transpondo limitadores do espaço regular
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Monteiro, Rennan de Souza
Rubano, Lizete Maria
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Este é um trabalho de leitura, análise e questionamento do espaço urbano periférico da cidade de São Paulo, com ênfase na zona leste paulistana, mais precisamente nos bairros do Jardim Piratininga e Cangaíba. O modo como as infraestruturas urbanas se sobrepuseram no território gerando áreas fragmentadas na cidade, indicam uma situação peculiar no Jardim Piratininga. Esse território marcado por suas fronteiras e ausente de urbanidade, possui características notáveis do ponto de vista social. Os hábitos da sociedade ali inserida denotam certa força nos eventos cotidianos da população. A partir da identificação dos percursos diários dos moradores, buscou-se propor novas situações/abordagens para o território, a fim de romper as fronteiras existentes e questionar seu aspecto segregatório hoje. Levando em conta sempre as pré-existências e a possibilidade de atribuir urbanidade através delas.
This is a work of reading, analysis and questioning of the peripheral urban space of the city of São Paulo, with emphasis on the eastern region of São Paulo, more precisely in the neighborhoods of Jardim Piratininga and Cangaíba. The way in which the urban infrastructures overlapped the territory generating fragmented areas in the city, indicate a peculiar situation in Jardim Piratininga. This territory marked by its borders and absent from urbanity, has notable characteristics from the social point of view. The habits of the society there inserted denote a certain force present in the daily events of the population. From the identification of daily journeys, the research tried to propose new situations / approaches for the territory, in order to break the existing borders and question its segregatory aspect today. Taking into account always the pre-existences and the possibility to attribute urbanity through them.
This is a work of reading, analysis and questioning of the peripheral urban space of the city of São Paulo, with emphasis on the eastern region of São Paulo, more precisely in the neighborhoods of Jardim Piratininga and Cangaíba. The way in which the urban infrastructures overlapped the territory generating fragmented areas in the city, indicate a peculiar situation in Jardim Piratininga. This territory marked by its borders and absent from urbanity, has notable characteristics from the social point of view. The habits of the society there inserted denote a certain force present in the daily events of the population. From the identification of daily journeys, the research tried to propose new situations / approaches for the territory, in order to break the existing borders and question its segregatory aspect today. Taking into account always the pre-existences and the possibility to attribute urbanity through them.
apropriação , autoconstrução , conexão , corporeidade , cotidiano , estranhamento , fronteiras urbanas , hábitos , lazer , paisagem , percurso , periferia , transposição , vazio , appropriation , self-construction , connection , corporeity , daily , estrangement , urban bondaries , habits , recreation , landscape , route , periphery , transposition , empty