Análise acerca dos paradigmas jurídicos da garantia constitucional de presunção de inocência e da execução provisória da pena de liberdade
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Oliveira, Guilherme Bernardo Patrão de
Silva, Ivan Luis Marques da
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O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso tem o objetivo de analisar, empregando-se o método indutivo, os aspectos que tangem o conceito e a aplicação da execução provisória da pena privativa de liberdade à luz do princípio constitucional da presunção de inocência. No contexto atual, mais especificamente no recente julgamento do Habeas Corpus preventivo do réu e ex-presidente Luís Inácio Lula da Silva, a maioria dos ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal votou colegiadamente pela execução de sua respectiva pena de forma provisória, fato que cria um contraponto em relação à disposição do artigo 5º, LVII da Constituição de 88. Diante disto, a fim de embasar histórica e comparativamente a argumentação relacionada a possível dicotomia entre estes dois institutos jurídicos, também serão analisadas decisões de última instância, posteriores à promulgação e vigência da atual Constituição Federal, inerentes à problemática aqui em comento. Com isto, será possível questionar e estudar as oscilações dos entendimentos ao longo das últimas três décadas que, ao se distanciar de um consenso jurisprudencial, podem gerar insegurança jurídica. Por fim, após a apresentação dos dois conceitos confrontados neste trabalho e seus respectivos efeitos processuais, expandir-se-á o assunto para o âmbito internacional, porém com influência no ordenamento brasileiro, a fim de que possam ser embasadas as mudanças de entendimentos dos órgãos superiores no tocante a execução da pena previamente ao trânsito em julgado do processo.
The present work of graduate conclusion aims to analyze, through of the inductive methods, the aspects regarding the concept and application of the provisional execution of the penalty of the restriction of liberty under the constitutional principle of presumption of innocence glance. At the current context, more specifically in the recent trial of Habeas Corpus of the defendant and ex-president, Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, most ministers of the Supreme Court voted for the execution of the penalty in provisional form, fact which has originated the counterpoint in regarding to the 5º article, LVII of the Brazilian Federal Constitution. In view of this, in order to ground historically and comparatively the arguing related to a possible dichotomy between this two juridical institutes, will also analyzed superior decisions after the enactment and validity of the current Constitution. Taking the above into account, will be possible to question and study the variations of the understandings over the last three decades that, by distancing from the jurisprudential consensus, may generate legal uncertainty. At last, after the presentation of the two concepts confronted at this study and its respective procedural effects, the subject will be expanded to the international scale, however taking to account the its influence in Brazil, in order to ground the understanding changes of the superior courts concerning the provisional execution of the penalty, previously to the final sentence.
The present work of graduate conclusion aims to analyze, through of the inductive methods, the aspects regarding the concept and application of the provisional execution of the penalty of the restriction of liberty under the constitutional principle of presumption of innocence glance. At the current context, more specifically in the recent trial of Habeas Corpus of the defendant and ex-president, Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, most ministers of the Supreme Court voted for the execution of the penalty in provisional form, fact which has originated the counterpoint in regarding to the 5º article, LVII of the Brazilian Federal Constitution. In view of this, in order to ground historically and comparatively the arguing related to a possible dichotomy between this two juridical institutes, will also analyzed superior decisions after the enactment and validity of the current Constitution. Taking the above into account, will be possible to question and study the variations of the understandings over the last three decades that, by distancing from the jurisprudential consensus, may generate legal uncertainty. At last, after the presentation of the two concepts confronted at this study and its respective procedural effects, the subject will be expanded to the international scale, however taking to account the its influence in Brazil, in order to ground the understanding changes of the superior courts concerning the provisional execution of the penalty, previously to the final sentence.
execução provisória , constituição federal , presunção de inocência , STF , divergências , entendimento , habeas corpus , provisional enforcement , federal constitution , presumption of innocence , supreme court , divergence , understanding