A marca awaytomars perante o fashion law: uma análise contratual da revolução da moda sob a ótica do direito brasileiro
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Giordano, Maria Cristina Loth
Soares, Renata Domingues Balbino Munhoz
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Em razão da importância e evidente revolução apresentada pela marca
AWAYTOMARS no mercado da moda, difundindo, através de uma plataforma da própria
marca, um processo criativo com participação de qualquer usuário que esteja cadastrado no
sistema, é necessária uma análise e proteção cuidadosa dos meios de defesa que ela possui. Para
a participação, o usuário deve consentir com dois contratos, o de termos de uso da plataforma
e o de copyright, afirmando, entre outros, a transferência da propriedade intelectual para a
marca, e que todo o trabalho depositado é original, ou, se a ideia é de um terceiro, o usuário é
que tem posse ou tem gerência aquela ideia. Para isso, o presente estudo se propõe, sob o crivo
do Fashion Law – ramo do Direito em proeminente crescimento, que se dedica ao estudo e
proteção dos players do mercado da moda, unindo áreas jurídicas tradicionais com as
particularidades que a moda exige – e da legislação brasileira, a estudar os pormenores da
inovadora AWAYTOMARS, traçando um paralelo entre os contratos presentes – e aqueles
pertinentes ao estudo – no cenário brasileiro e a propriedade intelectual, com os institutos do
direito autoral e propriedade industrial, como meio de defesa contra eventuais infrações de
plágio, contrafação e concorrência desleal.
Due to the importance and evident revolution presented by the brand AWAYTOMARS in the fashion market, spreading through a platform of the brand a creative process with the participation of any registered user in the system, it is made necessary a careful analysis and protection means of the legal defense that brand has. To participate, the user must consent to two contracts, the terms of use of the platform and the copyright, stating, inter alia, the conveyance of their intellectual property to the brand, and that all the work deposited is original, or, if the idea is from a third party, the user owns or manages that idea. To this end, the present study proposes, under the scrutiny of Fashion Law - a field of Law in prominent growth, which is dedicated to the study and protection of players in the fashion market, uniting traditional legal areas with the particularities that fashion requires - and of Brazilian law, to study the details of the innovative AWAYTOMARS, delineating a parallel between the contracts present - and the ones pertinent to the study - in the Brazilian scenario and intellectual property, with the institutes of copyright and industrial property, as a means of legal defense against possible infractions of plagiarism, counterfeiting and disloyal competition.
Due to the importance and evident revolution presented by the brand AWAYTOMARS in the fashion market, spreading through a platform of the brand a creative process with the participation of any registered user in the system, it is made necessary a careful analysis and protection means of the legal defense that brand has. To participate, the user must consent to two contracts, the terms of use of the platform and the copyright, stating, inter alia, the conveyance of their intellectual property to the brand, and that all the work deposited is original, or, if the idea is from a third party, the user owns or manages that idea. To this end, the present study proposes, under the scrutiny of Fashion Law - a field of Law in prominent growth, which is dedicated to the study and protection of players in the fashion market, uniting traditional legal areas with the particularities that fashion requires - and of Brazilian law, to study the details of the innovative AWAYTOMARS, delineating a parallel between the contracts present - and the ones pertinent to the study - in the Brazilian scenario and intellectual property, with the institutes of copyright and industrial property, as a means of legal defense against possible infractions of plagiarism, counterfeiting and disloyal competition.
contratos , propriedade intelectual , Awaytomars , fashion law , contracts , intellectual property