A resolução 805/2020 do Conselho Nacional de Trânsito (CONTRAN) e a violação de prazos previstos no Código de Trânsito Brasileiro – CTB
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Coloca Júnior, Carlos Alberto
Pires, Antônio Cecílio Moreira
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O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso – TCC, apresentado em forma de artigo,
expõe as consequências advindas da pandemia do nova corona vírus (COVID-19), que, dentre
outros prejuízos, paralisou as atividades de diversos serviços públicos e de seus órgãos
administrativos e que prestam serviços por equiparação, como os pertencentes ao rol do Sistema
Nacional de Trânsito e às entidades públicas e privadas prestadoras de serviços relacionados ao
trânsito. Dentre as citadas consequências, houve a suspensão de prazos relacionados a
procedimentos e burocracias relacionadas a veículos, condutores e autuações de infrações de
trânsito. Com isso, devido ao conturbado momento, o Contran se manifestou mediante
resolução – 805/2020 – com objetivo de se posicionar legalmente acerca dos prazos suspensos
e até violados, decorrentes das paralisações, tendo em vista a emissão de infrações dentro do
período de pandemia e com os referidos prazos suspensos, ocasionando em diversos problemas,
mas que na verdade não foram devidamente corrigidos pela resolução, resultando na
problemática central do presente trabalho.
This course conclusion work - TCC, presented in the form of an article, exposes the consequences arising from the pandemic of the new corona virus (COVID-19), which, among other damages, paralyzed the activities of several public services and their administrative bodies and that provide services by equivalence, such as those belonging to the role of the National Traffic System and public and private entities providing services related to traffic. Among the aforementioned consequences, there was the suspension of deadlines related to procedures and bureaucracies related to vehicles, drivers and infraction notices. With that, due to the troubled moment, Contran manifested itself by resolution - 805/2020 - with the objective of taking a legal position on the suspended and even violated deadlines, resulting from the stoppages, in view of the issuance of infractions within the pandemic period and with the referred deadlines suspended, causing several problems, but which in fact were not properly corrected by the resolution, resulting in the main problem of the present work.
This course conclusion work - TCC, presented in the form of an article, exposes the consequences arising from the pandemic of the new corona virus (COVID-19), which, among other damages, paralyzed the activities of several public services and their administrative bodies and that provide services by equivalence, such as those belonging to the role of the National Traffic System and public and private entities providing services related to traffic. Among the aforementioned consequences, there was the suspension of deadlines related to procedures and bureaucracies related to vehicles, drivers and infraction notices. With that, due to the troubled moment, Contran manifested itself by resolution - 805/2020 - with the objective of taking a legal position on the suspended and even violated deadlines, resulting from the stoppages, in view of the issuance of infractions within the pandemic period and with the referred deadlines suspended, causing several problems, but which in fact were not properly corrected by the resolution, resulting in the main problem of the present work.
direito administrativo , código de trânsito brasileiro – CTB , alteração de lei federal por resolução , administrative law , brazilian transit code – CTB , federal law amendment by resolution