A síndrome de Burnout e uma proposta bíblica de aconselhamento
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Meira, Shyrley Ferraz
Santos, Valdeci da Silva
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Esta pesquisa se concentra na investigação sobre a síndrome de burnout, a perspectiva e a resposta bíblica para o fenômeno e suas implicações para o aconselhamento bíblico. Assim levantou-se o seguinte questionamento: de qual maneira pastores e conselheiros bíblicos devem entender o fenômeno e ajudar aqueles que sofrem com tal diagnóstico à luz das Escrituras? Foi utilizada como metodologia a pesquisa bibliográfica, quanto à abordagem é qualitativa, pois busca traduzir aquilo que não pode ser medido, tendo em vista que a realidade e os indivíduos sãos indissociáveis, desse modo ao se tratar do indivíduo, que sejam considerados seus traços subjetivos bem como suas peculiaridades – tais pormenores não podem ser demonstrados em números quantificáveis. Verificou-se que, por se tratar de um diagnóstico multidimensional, também o cuidado bíblico deve ser multidimensional e deve se propor a lidar com cristãos afetados pelo burnout, à luz das Escrituras, com foco na compreensão da teologia bíblica do trabalho e dos mandatos espiritual, social e cultural dados por Deus na Criação, afetados pela queda e redimidos em Cristo Jesus e no socorro que o Evangelho oferece aqueles que sofrem.
This research focuses on research on the burnout syndrome, the biblical perspective and response to the phenomenon, and its implications for biblical counseling. Thus, the following question arose: in what way should biblical pastors and counselors understand the phenomenon and help those who suffer from such a diagnosis in light of the Scriptures? Bibliographic research was used as a methodology, as the approach is qualitative, as it seeks to translate into what cannot be measured, considering that reality and individuals are inseparable, so when dealing with the individual, their subjective traits are considered as well as its peculiarities, such details cannot be demonstrated in quantifiable numbers. It was found that, as it is a multidimensional diagnosis, biblical pastoral care must also be multidimensional and must propose to deal with Christians affected by burnout, in light of the Scriptures, with a focus on understanding the biblical theology of work and mandates spiritual, social and cultural given by God in Creation, affected by the fall and redeemed in Christ Jesus and in the help that the Gospel offers to those who suffer.
This research focuses on research on the burnout syndrome, the biblical perspective and response to the phenomenon, and its implications for biblical counseling. Thus, the following question arose: in what way should biblical pastors and counselors understand the phenomenon and help those who suffer from such a diagnosis in light of the Scriptures? Bibliographic research was used as a methodology, as the approach is qualitative, as it seeks to translate into what cannot be measured, considering that reality and individuals are inseparable, so when dealing with the individual, their subjective traits are considered as well as its peculiarities, such details cannot be demonstrated in quantifiable numbers. It was found that, as it is a multidimensional diagnosis, biblical pastoral care must also be multidimensional and must propose to deal with Christians affected by burnout, in light of the Scriptures, with a focus on understanding the biblical theology of work and mandates spiritual, social and cultural given by God in Creation, affected by the fall and redeemed in Christ Jesus and in the help that the Gospel offers to those who suffer.
aconselhamento bíblico , Burnout , biblical counseling , Burnout