Jornada de compras: um estudo dos principais fatores que influenciam a decisão de compras dos consumidores em lojas on-line de produtos de decoração
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Copel, Leonardo Crochik
Mitraud, Francisco Silva
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O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi analisar e identificar os principais fatores que influenciam a decisão de compras dos consumidores em lojas online de produtos de decoração. Para isso, realizamos dois tipos de pesquisa: uma pesquisa de revisão bibliográfica e uma pesquisa quantitativa com base no google forms. Nossa revisão bibliográfica trabalhou nos eixos teóricos de: consumo e objetos de decoração na sociedade contemporânea, o consumo do simbólico e sua relação na construção da identidade do indivíduoe o comportamento do consumidor no e-commerce.Nossos autores foram: Alberto Luiz Albertin, Zygmunt Bauman, Elizeu Barroso Alves, Milena Costa de Souza, Mary Douglas, Barton Isherwood, Kathryn Woodward, Danielle Kiffer, Everardo Rocha, Ângela Rocha, Lúcia Santaella, Don Slatter, Del Hawkins, Vanessa Aparecida Franco Molina, Beatriz Santos Samara, Marco Aurélio Morsch, Leon Schiffman, Leslie Lazar Kanuk, Richard J Semenik, Gary J Bamossy, Martha Gabriel, Antônio Carlos Gil, Vanessa Aparecida Franco Molina e Luís Mauro Sá Martino.Nossa pesquisa demonstra que o consumidor tem preferência de comprar online,em marketplaces com layoutmais simples e menos estéticos, com um checkout completo.Entretanto, em se tratando de objetos de decoração, se sente mais seguro comprando em lojas físicasonde é possível atestar sua qualidade.
The main objective of this work was to analyze and identify the main factors that influence the purchase decision of consumers in online stores of decoration products. For this, we carried out two types of research: a bibliographic review research and a quantitative research based on google forms. Our bibliographic review worked on following theoretical axes: consumption and decorative objects in contemporary society, the consumption of the symbolic and its relationship in the construction of the individual's identity and consumer behavior in e-commerce. The authors used in thisworkwere: Alberto Luiz Albertin, Zygmunt Bauman, Elizeu Barroso Alves, Milena Costa De Souza, Mary Douglas, Barton Isherwood, Kathryn Woodward, Danielle Kiffer, Everardo Rocha, Ângela Rocha, Lúcia Santaella, Don Slatter, Del Hawkins, Vanessa Aparecida Franco Molina, Beatriz Santos Samara, Marco Aurélio Morsch, Leon Schiffman, Leslie Lazar Kanuk, Richard J Semenik, Gary J Bamossy, Martha Gabriel, Antônio Carlos Gil, Vanessa Aparecida Franco Molina and Luís Mauro Sá Martino. Our research shows that consumers prefer to buy online, in marketplaces with a simpler and less aesthetic layout, with a complete checkout. However, when it comes to decorative objects, theyfeel safer buying in physical stores where you can attest the product quality.
The main objective of this work was to analyze and identify the main factors that influence the purchase decision of consumers in online stores of decoration products. For this, we carried out two types of research: a bibliographic review research and a quantitative research based on google forms. Our bibliographic review worked on following theoretical axes: consumption and decorative objects in contemporary society, the consumption of the symbolic and its relationship in the construction of the individual's identity and consumer behavior in e-commerce. The authors used in thisworkwere: Alberto Luiz Albertin, Zygmunt Bauman, Elizeu Barroso Alves, Milena Costa De Souza, Mary Douglas, Barton Isherwood, Kathryn Woodward, Danielle Kiffer, Everardo Rocha, Ângela Rocha, Lúcia Santaella, Don Slatter, Del Hawkins, Vanessa Aparecida Franco Molina, Beatriz Santos Samara, Marco Aurélio Morsch, Leon Schiffman, Leslie Lazar Kanuk, Richard J Semenik, Gary J Bamossy, Martha Gabriel, Antônio Carlos Gil, Vanessa Aparecida Franco Molina and Luís Mauro Sá Martino. Our research shows that consumers prefer to buy online, in marketplaces with a simpler and less aesthetic layout, with a complete checkout. However, when it comes to decorative objects, theyfeel safer buying in physical stores where you can attest the product quality.
comércio eletrônico , decoração , comportamento do consumidor , decisão de compra , e-commerce , decoration , consumer behavior , buying decisions