Elaboração de cenários para o comércio eletrônico varejista brasileiro : um estudo usando a análise de stakeholders
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Graziano, Diólia de Carvalho
Perez, Gilberto
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Membros da banca
Gardesani, Roberto
Boventura, João Maurício Gama
Cappellozza, Alexandre
Sambiase, Marta Fabiano
Boventura, João Maurício Gama
Cappellozza, Alexandre
Sambiase, Marta Fabiano
Administração de Empresas
This research used the analysis of the stakeholders on the elaboration of the scenarios for Brazilian e-commerce retailer. It was sought to show if the research reveals new or increased stakeholders in the Internet environment. The elaboration of the first-level scenarios for the electronic commerce sector, through the analysis of stakeholders, was conducted by the application of the method proposed by a team of Brazilian researchers, that has identified the problems and challenges of e-commerce retailers for a horizon of five years. The Internet offers elements that interfere with the achievement of the company's objectives: it alters markets, empowers consumers and non-consumers that influence the reputation of companies. Much has been studied about the tooling available on the Internet, however, a gap has been identified for the study of the influence of the Internet, the entities and forces that operate in it and influence the organizations. Companies operating on the Internet run the risk of having their assets affected by the activities of new or empowered stakeholders in their action in cyberspace. The e-commerce retailer is booming in the country and has on the Internet its vital sap. We chose the e-commerce sector because it was heavily immersed in the Internet environment. Stakeholder Theory and Stakeholder Analysis are appropriate for the study of the dynamics of the ongoing changes in the new business models in society. The use of scenarios is a useful technique for emerging industries and is a powerful device for strategic choices. The research has an exploratory nature, uses mixed methods, presenting a qualitative initial stage, with in depth interview to ten specialists, aiming to reveal the variables of the studied system. Each of the interviewees generated, on average, 13.5 variables, which testifies the efficiency of the method adopted. The second and third stage of the research consisted in the application of quantitative questionnaires, and descriptive statistics were used to analyze and organize the data collected. The second step was to classify the variables with respect to importance and certainty, and the third step sought relations of dependence and dominance between them. The study resulted in four future scenarios: Brazil's pro-market, Brazil's public policies, For the worst there are no limits, and How good my Internet was. Between the first and second stage, this work contributed to a structured content analysis stage, which revealed the categories Electronic Payment Systems, Investments in Innovation and Technology, Privacy and Security, Economic Aspects, National Infrastructure Loopholes, Tax System Obstructions , Legal Aspects, Information Security Policy, Relationships, and New Stakeholders. The results of the research indicated that the proposed scenario elaboration method is efficient and effective. Seven categories of new stakeholders in the digital environment have been found: disruptive organizations, Google and Facebook, not consumers who disseminate haters, applications, digital influencers, activist groups, and hackers. In the latter, four categories were found: hacker, criminal hacker, hacker activist and ethical hacker.
internet , comércio eletrônico , stakeholders , cenários
Assuntos Scopus
GRAZIANO, Diólia de Carvalho. Elaboração de cenários para o comércio eletrônico varejista brasileiro : um estudo usando a análise de stakeholders. 2017. 277 f. Tese (Administração de Empresas) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.