Proteção estatal em crimes contra a dignidade sexual: realidade ou utopia
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Spironelli, Marcella Rogério
Messa, Ana Flávia
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A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo realizar uma revisão da literatura sobre a proteção estatal em crimes
contra a dignidade sexual. A evolução da legislação juntamente ao cenário histórico e social vivido nos
diferentes momentos do Brasil e do contexto global. A divisão de penalização para crimes de cunho sexual
entre mulheres honestas e prostitutas. A aplicação de crime contra os costumes do Código Penal de 1940,
com a presença do débito conjugal e objetificação da mulher no casamento. A falta de amparo legal com o
machismo estrutural e a desqualificação da mulher presente no ordenamento jurídico até a aplicação da Lei
12.015/2009. Conclui-se que é fundamental que a sociedade e as autoridades responsáveis pela proteção
dos direitos humanos trabalhem juntas para garantir que a proteção estatal em crimes contra a dignidade
sexual seja uma realidade concreta e não uma utopia, como observado no Brasil Império.
The present research aims to conduct a literature review on state protection in crimes against sexual dignity. The evolution of the legislation along with the historical and social scenario lived in different moments in Brazil and in the global context. The division of penalty for crimes of sexual nature between honest women and prostitutes. The application of the crime against customs of the Penal Code of 1940, with the presence of marital debt and objectification of women in marriage. The lack of legal support with the structural machismo and the disqualification of women present in the legal system until the application of Law 12.015/2009. We conclude that it is fundamental that society and the authorities responsible for the protection of human rights work together to guarantee that state protection in crimes against sexual dignity be a concrete reality and not a utopia, as observed in Empire Brazil.
The present research aims to conduct a literature review on state protection in crimes against sexual dignity. The evolution of the legislation along with the historical and social scenario lived in different moments in Brazil and in the global context. The division of penalty for crimes of sexual nature between honest women and prostitutes. The application of the crime against customs of the Penal Code of 1940, with the presence of marital debt and objectification of women in marriage. The lack of legal support with the structural machismo and the disqualification of women present in the legal system until the application of Law 12.015/2009. We conclude that it is fundamental that society and the authorities responsible for the protection of human rights work together to guarantee that state protection in crimes against sexual dignity be a concrete reality and not a utopia, as observed in Empire Brazil.
proteção estatal , dignidade sexual , violência contra a mulher , machismo estrutural , state protection , sexual dignity , violence against women , structural machismo