As portas do Hades : uma interpretação focada no triunfo da igreja sobre a morte em Mateus 16.18c
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Silva, José Jean Antônio da
Aquino, João Paulo Thomaz de
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A igreja que Jesus edificou, ora denominado igreja cristã, recebeu a incumbência de ser a portadora das boas novas advindas de Cristo, oferecendo às nações o que ela originalmente recebeu dos seus precursores, os apóstolos, a saber, as palavras de uma viva esperança. Embora ela tenha se originado no mundo, definitivamente ela não pertence ao mundo, como afirmou o Senhor, apenas trilha o caminho rumo a verdadeira Terra prometida, a chamada Nova Jerusalém. No entanto, a igreja foi ensinada sobre as lutas que teria que trilhar e enfrentar enquanto a sua jornada não chagasse ao fim, o que de fato acontecerá quando o Senhor da igreja voltar. Além disso, os cristãos foram alertados sobre os ataques que sofreriam visíveis e invisíveis, físicos e espirituais, ataques estes encabeçados pelo principal inimigo da igreja, sendo também o inimigo de Jesus, isto é, Satanás. Mas, apesar dessa descrição dada por Jesus e pelos apóstolos, os cristãos são agraciados com a mensagem de que, em Cristo, eles triunfarão sobre a morte, a principal arma do inimigo. Jesus afirma para a sua nação santa que, mesmo que ela seja atacada de várias formas e em variados tempos, chegará o dia em que ela se deleitará no cumprimento da presença dado pelo seu Senhor ao vivenciar a sua vitória definitiva sobre a morte. Essa mensagem é enfatizada quando Jesus afirma para os discípulos que ele fundaria a sua igreja e ele mesmo garantiria que ela jamais sofreria o golpe mortal dado pelo inimigo. Esta é a mensagem de boas novas que a igreja recebeu de Jesus para ser transmitida a todos os povos. Esta é a mensagem que sustenta a igreja de todos os tempos diante dos ataques das portas do hades. É apalavra que fundamenta a esperança da nação fiel de Deus, fazendo-a trilhar gloriosamente o caminho rumo a morada eterna. O objetivo deste trabalho é oferecer aos cristãos dos dias atuais, através da análise do que Jesus disse aos seus discípulos em Mateus 16.18c, o ensino que verdadeiramente promove segurança à igreja. Este foi o ensino que fundamentou a esperança da igreja no passado, como também foi a mensagem que os apóstolos, os cristãos e os demais líderes ao longo da história usaram para alicerçar a confiança na vitória definitiva sobre o hades. Esta é a mensagem que os líderes de hoje e os verdadeiros cristãos não apenas devem absorvê-la para si, como também devem proclamá-la àqueles que ainda vivem sem esperança.
The church that Jesus built, now called the Christian church, received the task of being the bearer of the good news coming from Christ, offering to the nations what it originally received from its precursors, the apostles, namely, the words of a living ho pe. Although it originated in the world, it definitely does not belong to the world, as the Lord stated, it only follows the path towards the true Promised Land, the so called New Jerusalem. However, the church was taught about the struggles it would have to go through and face until its journey came to an end, which will in fact happen when the Lord of the church returns. Furthermore, Christians were warned about the attacks they would suffer visible and invisible, physical and spiritual, attacks headed by the main enemy of the church, who is also the enemy of Jesus, that is, Satan. But despite this description given by Jesus and the apostles, Christians are graced with the message that, in Christ, they will triumph over death, the enemy's main weapon. Jesus affirms to his holy nation that, even if it is attacked in various ways and at various times, the day will come when it will delight in the fulfillment of the presence given by its Lord when experiencing his definitive victory over death. This messag e is emphasized when Jesus tells his disciples that he would found his church and he himself would guarantee that it would never suffer the mortal blow given by the enemy. This is the message of good news that the church received from Jesus to be transmitted to all people. This is the message that sustains the church of all times in the face of attacks from the gates of Hades. It is the word that grounds the hope of God's fa ithful nation, making it gloriously follow the path towards eternal abode. The objective of this work is to offer modern day Christians, through the analysis of what Jesus said to his disciples in Matthew 16.18c, teaching that truly promotes security in the church. This was the teaching that founded the hope of the church in the past, as well as the message that the apostles, Christians and other leaders throughout history used to build confidence in the definitive victory over hades. This is the message that today's leaders and true Christians must not only absorb for themselves, but also proclaim to those who still live without hope.
The church that Jesus built, now called the Christian church, received the task of being the bearer of the good news coming from Christ, offering to the nations what it originally received from its precursors, the apostles, namely, the words of a living ho pe. Although it originated in the world, it definitely does not belong to the world, as the Lord stated, it only follows the path towards the true Promised Land, the so called New Jerusalem. However, the church was taught about the struggles it would have to go through and face until its journey came to an end, which will in fact happen when the Lord of the church returns. Furthermore, Christians were warned about the attacks they would suffer visible and invisible, physical and spiritual, attacks headed by the main enemy of the church, who is also the enemy of Jesus, that is, Satan. But despite this description given by Jesus and the apostles, Christians are graced with the message that, in Christ, they will triumph over death, the enemy's main weapon. Jesus affirms to his holy nation that, even if it is attacked in various ways and at various times, the day will come when it will delight in the fulfillment of the presence given by its Lord when experiencing his definitive victory over death. This messag e is emphasized when Jesus tells his disciples that he would found his church and he himself would guarantee that it would never suffer the mortal blow given by the enemy. This is the message of good news that the church received from Jesus to be transmitted to all people. This is the message that sustains the church of all times in the face of attacks from the gates of Hades. It is the word that grounds the hope of God's fa ithful nation, making it gloriously follow the path towards eternal abode. The objective of this work is to offer modern day Christians, through the analysis of what Jesus said to his disciples in Matthew 16.18c, teaching that truly promotes security in the church. This was the teaching that founded the hope of the church in the past, as well as the message that the apostles, Christians and other leaders throughout history used to build confidence in the definitive victory over hades. This is the message that today's leaders and true Christians must not only absorb for themselves, but also proclaim to those who still live without hope.
igreja , discípulos , Hades , Morte , segurança , triunfo , vida eterna , church , disciples , Hades , death , security , triumph , eternal life