Missões e a glória de Deus: uma abordagem da teologia da aliança como fundamento da missiologia doxológica
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Soares, Carlos Vitor da Silva
Chung, Chun Kwang
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O presente trabalho segue no sentido de argumentar em favor de que o caminho missiológico é pavimentado e fundamentado pela doutrina da Glória de Deus e pela Aliança feito por Deus com Abraão. Observa-se que esta Aliança é o projeto doxológico posto em prática diante de tantos movimentos antidoxológicos no desenvolvimento da história humana, perpassando pelo Édem até Babel; onde Deus, regendo a História cuida e zela pelos detalhes, pactos e manutenções com vistas a plena efetivação e clímax na Cruz com Jesus Cristo. Este trabalho aponta para um dos grandes desafios da missão reformada que é o entendimento eclesiológico e pragmático de que as missões são realizadas onde a glória de Deus é ofuscada pelo pecado. Não como algo subjetivo, mas como pressuposto basilar para o entendimento micro e macro da missão. Para uma compreensão mais profunda acerca da finalidade última da Missão, faz-se necessário olhar para o drama escriturístico considerando a Aliança de Deus com Abraão, como uma hipótese fundamental e intencional da parte de Deus para que a Glória dEle permanecesse eternamente, alcançando, assim, todos os guetos da criação. Por fim, o projeto doxológico, como o alicerce da Igreja, precisa ser avaliado constantemente para que os desafios atuais, sejam respondidos a partir da Aliança. Com isso questões conceituais serão abordadas para que este Projeto Doxológico seja sempre entendido, viabilizado e resgatado através da Igreja atual, sempre explicitando o motivo central das Missões: A Glória de Deus. Diante do exposto, não é almejado aqui o esgotamento do assunto, mas sim um olhar mais acurado da relevância da Aliança em seu desdobramento para os estudos missiológicos e, consequentemente, o cumprimento cabal de toda a criação: A Glória de Deus.
The present work goes on to argue that the missiological path is paved and grounded by the doctrine of the Glory of God and by the Covenant made by God with Abraham. It is observed that this Alliance is the doxological project put into practice in the face of so many anti-doxological movements in the development of human history, spanning from Eden to Babel; where God, ruling History, takes care and cares for the details, pacts and maintenance with a view to the full realization and climax on the Cross with Jesus Christ. This work points to one of the great challenges of the reformed mission, which is the ecclesiological and pragmatic understanding that missions are carried out where the glory of God is overshadowed by sin. Not as something subjective, but as a basic assumption for the micro and macro understanding of the mission. For a deeper understanding of the ultimate purpose of the Mission, it is necessary to look at the scriptural drama considering the Covenant of God with Abraham, as a fundamental and intentional hypothesis on the part of God so that His Glory would remain eternally, thus achieving , all the ghettos of creation. Finally, the doxological project, as the foundation of the Church, needs to be constantly evaluated so that the current challenges are answered from the Alliance. With this conceptual questions will be addressed so that this Doxological Project is always understood, made possible and rescued through the current Church, always explaining the central reason of the Missions: The Glory of God. Given the above, it is not intended here to exhaust the subject, but a more accurate look at the relevance of the Alliance in its unfolding for missiological studies and, consequently, the full fulfillment of all creation: The Glory of God.
The present work goes on to argue that the missiological path is paved and grounded by the doctrine of the Glory of God and by the Covenant made by God with Abraham. It is observed that this Alliance is the doxological project put into practice in the face of so many anti-doxological movements in the development of human history, spanning from Eden to Babel; where God, ruling History, takes care and cares for the details, pacts and maintenance with a view to the full realization and climax on the Cross with Jesus Christ. This work points to one of the great challenges of the reformed mission, which is the ecclesiological and pragmatic understanding that missions are carried out where the glory of God is overshadowed by sin. Not as something subjective, but as a basic assumption for the micro and macro understanding of the mission. For a deeper understanding of the ultimate purpose of the Mission, it is necessary to look at the scriptural drama considering the Covenant of God with Abraham, as a fundamental and intentional hypothesis on the part of God so that His Glory would remain eternally, thus achieving , all the ghettos of creation. Finally, the doxological project, as the foundation of the Church, needs to be constantly evaluated so that the current challenges are answered from the Alliance. With this conceptual questions will be addressed so that this Doxological Project is always understood, made possible and rescued through the current Church, always explaining the central reason of the Missions: The Glory of God. Given the above, it is not intended here to exhaust the subject, but a more accurate look at the relevance of the Alliance in its unfolding for missiological studies and, consequently, the full fulfillment of all creation: The Glory of God.
glória de Deus , Abraão , pacto , aliança , missões , escritura , promessa , glory of God , Abraham , Covenant , Covenant , missions , scripture , Promise