Da promessa do novo céu e nova terra: o aspecto físico da habitação eterna do homem à luz da criação, queda, redenção e consumação
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Souza, Evaldo Soares de
Campos, Heber Carlos de
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A intenção desta pesquisa é demonstrar, por meio do estudo bíblico-teológico, que o ensino da Escritura Sagrada, referente à morada eterna dos salvos com Deus, é um novo céu e nova terra restaurada nos quais habita a justiça; e não uma morada etérea em um céu puramente espiritual. A promessa de Deus é que, após o retorno visível e físico de Cristo a esse mundo e o juízo final, toda a criação física será renovada e restaurada para desfrutar da liberdade da glória dos filhos de Deus. Na nova terra se cumprirá todos os planos e promessas da Aliança de Deus para a humanidade redimida em Cristo, que inclui a herança da terra, restauração da criação física, governo sobre a terra em cumprimento do mandato cultural e a bemaventurada habitação de Deus no meio do seu povo de forma plena e sem nenhuma separação decorrente do pecado. A promessa da Aliança é que Deus habitará conosco em uma nova criação – novo céu e nova terra – e ‘será o nosso Deus e nós seremos o seu povo’.
The intention of this research is to demonstrate, through biblical-theological study, that the teaching of Holy Scripture, referring to the eternal abode of studies with God, is a new heaven and new earth restored in which justice dwells; and not an ethereal abode in a purely spiritual sky. God's promise is that after Christ's visible and physical return to this world and the judgment of God's children, the whole building will be built and restored to the creation of the freedom of the glory of God's life. In the new earth all the plans and promises of the Covenant of God will be fulfilled to humanity redeemed in Christ, which includes the inheritance of the earth, restoration of the physical creation, rule over the earth in fulfillment of the cultural mandate and the blessed indwelling of God in the among his people fully and without separation from sin. The covenant promise is that God will dwell with us in a new creation – a new heaven and a new earth – and ‘will be our God and we will be his people.
The intention of this research is to demonstrate, through biblical-theological study, that the teaching of Holy Scripture, referring to the eternal abode of studies with God, is a new heaven and new earth restored in which justice dwells; and not an ethereal abode in a purely spiritual sky. God's promise is that after Christ's visible and physical return to this world and the judgment of God's children, the whole building will be built and restored to the creation of the freedom of the glory of God's life. In the new earth all the plans and promises of the Covenant of God will be fulfilled to humanity redeemed in Christ, which includes the inheritance of the earth, restoration of the physical creation, rule over the earth in fulfillment of the cultural mandate and the blessed indwelling of God in the among his people fully and without separation from sin. The covenant promise is that God will dwell with us in a new creation – a new heaven and a new earth – and ‘will be our God and we will be his people.
criação , queda , redenção , promessa , nova terra , novo céu , creation , fall , redemption , promise , new earth , new heaven