Cronometro reiniciado: o adiamento das olimpíadas
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Cunha, Fernanda Gasel
Pereira, Fernando
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O presente relatório dá embasamento ao documentário “Cronômetro Reiniciado: o
adiamento das Olimpíadas”, produto que ilustra as consequências do adiamento dos
Jogos Olímpicos de Tóquio. No dia 24 de março de 2020, três meses antes das
Olimpíadas, o Comitê Olímpico Internacional oficializou o adiamento dos jogos devido
à pandemia da Covid-19. Consequentemente as demais competições esportivas
também ficaram sem data para acontecer. Os atletas de alto rendimento tiveram que
lidar fisicamente e psicologicamente com esse adiamento. “Cronômetro reiniciado: o
adiamento das Olimpíadas” conta a história e a trajetória de atletas brasileiros que
foram afetados por essa mudança e evidência as consequências sofridas por eles.
This report supports the documentary “Restarted Chronometer: the postponement of the Olympics”, a product that illustrates the consequences of the postponement of the Tokyo Olympic Games. On March 24, 2020, three months before the Olympics, the International Olympic Committee made official the postponement of the 2020 Olympic Games due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Consequently, the other sports competitions also had no date to take place. High performance athletes had to deal physically and psychologically with this delay. “Timer restarted: the postponement of the Olympics” tells the story and trajectory of Brazilian athletes who were affected by this date change and highlights the consequences suffered by them.
This report supports the documentary “Restarted Chronometer: the postponement of the Olympics”, a product that illustrates the consequences of the postponement of the Tokyo Olympic Games. On March 24, 2020, three months before the Olympics, the International Olympic Committee made official the postponement of the 2020 Olympic Games due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Consequently, the other sports competitions also had no date to take place. High performance athletes had to deal physically and psychologically with this delay. “Timer restarted: the postponement of the Olympics” tells the story and trajectory of Brazilian athletes who were affected by this date change and highlights the consequences suffered by them.
Acesso online;
olimpíadas , pandemia , jornalismo , documentário , olympics , pandemic , journalism , documentary