A incidência da responsabilidade civil nos danos decorrentes da prática de cartel, sob a análise da lei nº 12.529/2011 (concorrência) e da lei nº 14.470/2022 (novas disposições aplicáveis à repressão de infrações à ordem econômica)
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Longo, Luísa Camargo
Bagnoli, Vicente
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Membros da banca
O ordenamento jurídico brasileiro traz consigo disposições aplicáveis à Ordem Econômica e
Financeira em seu art. 170 da Constituição Federal de 1988, bem como com relação à repressão
ao abuso do poder econômico no §4º do art. 173. Porém, é diminuto o número de ações
ajuizadas pelos lesados em face aos danos da violação mais grave às normas de defesa
econômica, qual seja, o cartel. Desse modo, a presente monografia tratará sobre a incidência da
responsabilidade civil nos danos decorrentes da prática de cartel, sob a análise da legislação
aplicável, dentre as quais, destacam-se a Constituição Federal, a Lei nº 12.529/2011 e a recente
aprovação da Lei nº 14.470/2022, que altera de forma rigorosa à Lei nº 12.529/2011, no tocante
à responsabilidade civil, para prever novas disposições aplicáveis à repressão de infrações à
ordem econômica. No mais, será demonstrado que a relevância do ajuizamento das ações pelos
particulares que se sentirem prejudicados é de extrema contribuição para a dissuasão das
infrações concorrenciais. Os danos oriundos da prática de cartel são responsáveis por prejuízos
milionários, seja em face ao particular que se sentiu lesado ou em face ao Estado. Por essa
razão, a abrangência do tema e a maneira pela qual os prejudicados podem adentrar no
Judiciário — com base nos cenários hipotéticos aqui estudados e na jurisprudência ora
mencionada — constituem fatores significativos para contribuir e reequilibrar o bem-estar
econômico do mercado atingido pela prática da conduta anticoncorrencial. Ademais, o presente
instrumento contribuirá com análise mais aprofundada acerca do advento extremamente recente
da legislação sobre o tema, qual seja a Lei nº 14.470/2022 aprovada em novembro de 2022, que
demonstra um entendimento do legislador sobre a relevância da proteção em face ao
prejudicado, na medida em que reconhece o cartel como uma infração gravíssima.
The Brazilian legal system brings provisions applicable to the Economic and Financial Order in its art. 170 of the Federal Constitution of 1988, as well as with respect to the repression of the abuse of economic power in §4 of art. 173. However, the number of lawsuits filed by the injured in face of the damages of the most serious violation of the rules of economic defense, namely, the cartel, is small. Thus, the present monograph will address the incidence of civil liability in the damages resulting from the practice of cartel, under the analysis of the applicable legislation, among which, the Federal Constitution, Law No. 12.529/2011 and the recent approval of Law No. 14.470/2022, which strictly amends Law No. 12.529/2011, regarding civil liability, to provide for new provisions applicable to the repression of violations to the economic order. Furthermore, it will be shown that the relevance of the filing of lawsuits by individuals who feel harmed is of extreme contribution to the deterrence of competition violations. The damages resulting from the practice of cartel are responsible for millions of dollars in losses, whether in face of the private individual that feels aggrieved or, in face of the State, and, for this reason, the comprehensiveness of the topic and the manner in which the aggrieved parties can approach the Judiciary — based on the hypothetical scenarios studied herein and on the mentioned case law — constitute significant factors to contribute and rebalance the economic welfare of the market affected by the practice of anticompetitive conduct. Furthermore, the present instrument will contribute with a deeper analysis of the extremely recent advent of legislation on the subject, Law No. 14.470/2022 approved in November 2022, which demonstrates the legislator's understanding on the relevance of the protection in face of the injured party, to the extent that it recognizes the cartel as a very serious infringement.
The Brazilian legal system brings provisions applicable to the Economic and Financial Order in its art. 170 of the Federal Constitution of 1988, as well as with respect to the repression of the abuse of economic power in §4 of art. 173. However, the number of lawsuits filed by the injured in face of the damages of the most serious violation of the rules of economic defense, namely, the cartel, is small. Thus, the present monograph will address the incidence of civil liability in the damages resulting from the practice of cartel, under the analysis of the applicable legislation, among which, the Federal Constitution, Law No. 12.529/2011 and the recent approval of Law No. 14.470/2022, which strictly amends Law No. 12.529/2011, regarding civil liability, to provide for new provisions applicable to the repression of violations to the economic order. Furthermore, it will be shown that the relevance of the filing of lawsuits by individuals who feel harmed is of extreme contribution to the deterrence of competition violations. The damages resulting from the practice of cartel are responsible for millions of dollars in losses, whether in face of the private individual that feels aggrieved or, in face of the State, and, for this reason, the comprehensiveness of the topic and the manner in which the aggrieved parties can approach the Judiciary — based on the hypothetical scenarios studied herein and on the mentioned case law — constitute significant factors to contribute and rebalance the economic welfare of the market affected by the practice of anticompetitive conduct. Furthermore, the present instrument will contribute with a deeper analysis of the extremely recent advent of legislation on the subject, Law No. 14.470/2022 approved in November 2022, which demonstrates the legislator's understanding on the relevance of the protection in face of the injured party, to the extent that it recognizes the cartel as a very serious infringement.
cartel , responsabilidade civil , concorrência , dano , civil liability , competition , damage , action for indemnity