O leilão judicial à luz do código de processo civil
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Carvalho, Pedro Paulo Reis de
Scavone Junior, Luiz Antônio
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O presente artigo foca no instituto jurídico leilão, partindo da sua origem e chegando em seus
conceitos, agentes, elementos e outros pontos, legislados pelo Código de Processo Civil e outras
leis. Tal método de expropriação, possui notória importância para o direito, é marcante por ser
uma das principais formas para satisfazer créditos. Existem alguns agentes envolvidos em um
leilão, mas o profissional que comanda o evento é o leiloeiro. Ele leiloa os bens penhorados aos
licitantes, que oferecem lances, que não podem ser vis, em que o maior é o vencedor, chamado
de arrematante. O leilão é o terceiro método de expropriação em uma ordem preferencial
elencada pelo Código de Processo Civil, em primeiro está a adjudicação, em segundo a
alienação por iniciativa particular e após o leilão. Existem duas espécies deste instituto, o leilão
judicial e o extrajudicial, aquele acontece dentro da esfera jurídica, enquanto este fora.
This article is focused on the study of auctions, starting from it´s origin and arriving at it´s concepts, agentes, elements and other points, legislated by the Civil Procedure Code and others laws. The method of expropriation, has notorious importance for the law, is remarkable for being one of main ways to satisfy credits. There are some agentes involved in na auction, but the professional who runs the event is the auctioneer. He auctions pawned goods to bidders and who offers the the highest bid, that can´t be vile, is the winner. The auction is the third method of expropriation in a preferential order listed by the Code of Civil Procedure, in first place is the adjudication, in second is the alienation by private initiative and after the auction. There are two kinds of this institute, the judicial and extrajudicial auction, the former takes place within the legal sphere, while the latte ris outside.
This article is focused on the study of auctions, starting from it´s origin and arriving at it´s concepts, agentes, elements and other points, legislated by the Civil Procedure Code and others laws. The method of expropriation, has notorious importance for the law, is remarkable for being one of main ways to satisfy credits. There are some agentes involved in na auction, but the professional who runs the event is the auctioneer. He auctions pawned goods to bidders and who offers the the highest bid, that can´t be vile, is the winner. The auction is the third method of expropriation in a preferential order listed by the Code of Civil Procedure, in first place is the adjudication, in second is the alienation by private initiative and after the auction. There are two kinds of this institute, the judicial and extrajudicial auction, the former takes place within the legal sphere, while the latte ris outside.
leilão , leiloeiro , arrematação , expropriação , auction , auctioneer , expropriation , aliention