O impacto econômico do futebol no cenário global: um estudo sobre a FIFA de 1990 a 2018
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Cazotto, Gabriel Nickolas
Fronzaglia, Mauricio Loboda
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Racy, Joaquim Carlos
Carvalho, Carlos Eduardo Ferreira de
Carvalho, Carlos Eduardo Ferreira de
Economia e Mercados
This thesis has as main objective to study the economic impact of football in the international
scenario, mainly through the World Cup. This research focuses on the economic and political
acting of FIFA, since its origins to the present. The study covers its juridical legality, its
performance in the context of international governance and the financial movement that
football brings within various sectors of the world economy. Finishing with the impact that
the organization of the World Cup causes as much on the infrastructure, tourist movement and
marginal growth of the GDP in the last two host countries, South Africa and Brazil, as the
expectations for Russia tournament. The study also observes the question of FIFA's earning of revenue over the last fifteen years and how the rules of affiliation of new countries are
influenced by nationalism and the geopolitical consequences of joining FIFA.
economia do futebol , FIFA , economia da Copa do Mundo , nacionalismo no futebol , governança internacional
Assuntos Scopus
CAZOTTO, Gabriel Nickolas. O impacto econômico do futebol no cenário global: um estudo sobre a FIFA de 1990 a 2018. 2018. 76 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Economia e Mercados) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.