Profiling no contexto do direito eleitoral após a sanção da LGPD
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Ferreira, Vitor Hossu
Moreira, Diogo Rais Rodrigues
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O presente estudo objetiva realizar uma análise acerca de conceitos como targeting e profiling perante a Lei n° 13.709, de 14 de agosto de 2018 (“LGPD”), que estão sendo ressignificados, conforme caminha o desenvolvimento do estudo no campo digital. A metodologia levou em consideração a coleta de dados em casos práticos, artigos científicos e a legislação nacional e internacional. O objetivo deste artigo leva em consideração a discussão entre a população mundial no tocante à redação de uma legislação capaz de punir e dispor de requisitos para utilização desses dados, considerando o que ocorre atualmente na esfera eleitoral. Sendo, portanto, a análise da relação entre essas questões, para que se compreenda como os conceitos de targeting e profiling serão caracterizados e utilizados em meios práticos, haja vista que que existem casos no exterior que podem ser vistos a exemplo no contexto brasileiro, tomando como principal alicerce a LGPD. Ou seja, é possível compreender que a contribuição deste artigo não se reduz em apenas entender estes conceitos, mas demonstrar como eles estão cada vez mais presentes no âmbito eleitoral.
The present study aims to carry out an analysis about concepts such as targeting and profiling before the Brazilian Law n° 13.709, dated of August 14th, 2018 (“LGPD”), which are being re-signified as the study develops in the digital field. The methodology considered the collection of data in practical cases, scientific articles and national and international legislation. The objective of this article takes into consideration the discussion among the world population regarding the drafting of legislation capable of punishing and dealing with the use of this data, considering what currently occurs in the electoral sphere. Therefore, being the analysis of the relationship between these issues, for understanding how the concepts of targeting and profiling will be characterized and used in practical ways, given that there are cases abroad that can be used as an example in the Brazilian context, using LGPD as the main foundation. In other words, it is possible to understand that the contribution of this article is not reduced to just understanding these concepts but demonstrating how they are increasingly present in the electoral sphere.
The present study aims to carry out an analysis about concepts such as targeting and profiling before the Brazilian Law n° 13.709, dated of August 14th, 2018 (“LGPD”), which are being re-signified as the study develops in the digital field. The methodology considered the collection of data in practical cases, scientific articles and national and international legislation. The objective of this article takes into consideration the discussion among the world population regarding the drafting of legislation capable of punishing and dealing with the use of this data, considering what currently occurs in the electoral sphere. Therefore, being the analysis of the relationship between these issues, for understanding how the concepts of targeting and profiling will be characterized and used in practical ways, given that there are cases abroad that can be used as an example in the Brazilian context, using LGPD as the main foundation. In other words, it is possible to understand that the contribution of this article is not reduced to just understanding these concepts but demonstrating how they are increasingly present in the electoral sphere.
LGPD , privacidade , profiling , privacy