Lei Maria da Penha – sua aplicabilidade, sanções e a sua (in)eficácia
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Pereira, Fernanda Ferreira
Lopes, Mariângela Tomé
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O trabalho, tem como a análise da violência doméstica e familiar praticada contra a mulher no Brasil, partindo do ponto da caracterização dessa violência de gênero presente na Lei nº 11.340/06 (Lei Maria da Penha), as consequências de sua prática e a eficácia ou não das medidas protetivas inseridas em seu conteúdo, assim como a recente alteração legislativa que criminaliza seu descumprimento. A metodologia utilizada consistiu, na coletânea bibliográfica, onde foram consultados livros, artigos publicados, legislações que abordam o tema e entendimentos jurisprudenciais dos tribunais pertinentes ao tema, tendo sido exposto o posicionamento de vários autores a respeito do tema. Em seu primeiro capítulo foram apresentados os aspectos históricos da violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher, bem como sua caracterização. No segundo capítulo, são demonstradas as possíveis consequências previstas na Lei Maria da Penha para a prática de atos da violência de gênero em questão. E por fim, no terceiro capítulo são estudadas as medidas assistenciais, a inovação legislativa que tipificou o descumprimento das medidas protetivas de urgências, assim como a eficácia dessas perante a sociedade brasileira e também qual é o tratamento que as vítimas ganham ao procurar ajuda perante o Estado. Este estudo teve como finalidade, discutir acerca da violência doméstica e familiar praticada contra as mulheres no Brasil, demonstrando seus diferentes tipos e formas, levando em consideração que se trata de um fenômeno complicado presente em nossa sociedade, no qual está ligado a questões históricas, culturais, sociais e políticas.
The work has as an analysis of domestic and family violence against women in Brazil, starting from the point of characterization of this gender violence present in Law nº 11.340/06 (Maria da Penha Law), the consequences of its practice and the effectiveness or not of the protective measures included in its content, as well as the recent legislative change that criminalizes non-compliance. The methodology used consisted of the bibliographic collection, where books, published articles, legislation that address the topic and jurisprudential understandings of the courts relevant to the topic were consulted, with the position of several authors on the subject being exposed. In its first chapter, the historical aspects of domestic and family violence against women were presented, as well as their characterization. In the second chapter, the possible consequences foreseen in the Maria da Penha Law for the practice of acts of gender violence in question are demonstrated. Finally, in the third chapter, the assistance measures are studied, the legislative innovation that typified the non-compliance with urgent protective measures, as well as their effectiveness in Brazilian society and also what is the treatment that victims gain when seeking help before the State. This study aimed to discuss domestic and family violence against women in Brazil, demonstrating its different types and forms, taking into account that it is a complicated phenomenon present in our society, in which it is linked to historical issues, cultural, social and political.
The work has as an analysis of domestic and family violence against women in Brazil, starting from the point of characterization of this gender violence present in Law nº 11.340/06 (Maria da Penha Law), the consequences of its practice and the effectiveness or not of the protective measures included in its content, as well as the recent legislative change that criminalizes non-compliance. The methodology used consisted of the bibliographic collection, where books, published articles, legislation that address the topic and jurisprudential understandings of the courts relevant to the topic were consulted, with the position of several authors on the subject being exposed. In its first chapter, the historical aspects of domestic and family violence against women were presented, as well as their characterization. In the second chapter, the possible consequences foreseen in the Maria da Penha Law for the practice of acts of gender violence in question are demonstrated. Finally, in the third chapter, the assistance measures are studied, the legislative innovation that typified the non-compliance with urgent protective measures, as well as their effectiveness in Brazilian society and also what is the treatment that victims gain when seeking help before the State. This study aimed to discuss domestic and family violence against women in Brazil, demonstrating its different types and forms, taking into account that it is a complicated phenomenon present in our society, in which it is linked to historical issues, cultural, social and political.
violência de gênero , lei Maria da Penha , medidas protetivas , eficácia e ineficácia , gender violence , Maria da Penha law , protective measures , efficacy and ineffectiveness