Da norma á forma: urbanismo contemporâneo e a materialização da cidade / From norm to form: contemporary urbanism and the materialization of the city
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Barbosa, Eliana Rosa de Queiroz
Somekh, Nadia
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Membros da banca
Alvim, Angélica Aparecida Tanus Benatti
Sales, Pedro Manuel Rivaben de
Loeckx, Andre
Antonucci, Denise
Sales, Pedro Manuel Rivaben de
Loeckx, Andre
Antonucci, Denise
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
This thesis discusses the rela ons between form and
norm in the materializa on of the ci es and the pragma c
contemporary urbanism, in its most commonly discussed
mode: the urban project. The urban project is here understood
as the media ng elements of urban transforma on,
which today lack theoriza on and instrumentali es in the
Brazilian context.
Through the dialec c rela on between theore cal discourse
and empirical observa on, the materializa on of
the contemporary city is discussed, by means of the conceptual
fi gures Defi ni on, Induc on, and Improvisa on,
which relate to processes triggered by regula ons.
The fl oodplain of Tietê, between Lapa and Barra Funda,
located in the west region of the city, between the
river and the rail, is used as an empiric object, a site which
generated the theore cal refl ec ons and was evaluated
as in its historic materializa on as in its contemporary
The work off ers a spa al historiography of the site´s
materializa on, by means of the elabora on of conceptual
formal fi gures, which guided the historic materializa on
process, and evaluates the contemporary materializa on,
guided by the urbanis c instrument Urban Opera on, conceived
to promote urban projects in the city.
Depar ng from the thesis that there is no urbanis c
instrument that places the project and urban design as the
media ng and ar cula ng element in the Brazilian public
policy on urban development today, yet some level of
design, or defi ni ons that design involves, is necessary,
avoiding predatory processes in the city´s materializa on.
Contemporary urban projects have to incorporate urban
design strategies in its concep on in order to materialize
according to socially agreed goals. Thus, the present
research discusses the contemporary role of the urban
project and urban design in the materializa on of São
urbanismo contemporâneo , materialização , projetos urbanos , operações urbanas
Assuntos Scopus
BARBOSA, Eliana Rosa de Queiroz. Da norma á forma: urbanismo contemporâneo e a materialização da cidade / From norm to form: contemporary urbanism and the materialization of the city. 2016. 387 f. Tese (Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie / University of Leuven, São Paulo / Leuven.