Transformação cultural indígena e os benefícios da pregação do evangelho aos índios do Brasil: o evangelho como elemento estruturante da sociedade indígena
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Silva, Ronald Lameira da
Chung, Chun Kwang
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Este trabalho, a partir de um levantamento bibliográfico, procura destacar os aspectos presentes na discussão sobre a presença de missionários evangélicos nas tribos indígenas do Brasil, respondendo se a presença do missionário evangélico, bem treinado, tem impacto positivo ou negativo na cultura indígena. Usando por base estudos, pesquisas e entrevistas com pessoas que têm labutado sobre esta temática, bem como de missionários que têm dedicado anos de sua vida na grafia e na tradução da língua de algumas etnias indígenas. O trabalho faz um levantamento das principais críticas feitas à presença de missionários em aldeias indígenas, para evangelização de índios. Mas, também ressalta os grandes benefícios experimentados pelas tribos que têm abraçado o Evangelho de Cristo, também as boas respostas destes índios às demandas trazidas aos mesmos, em decorrência da proximidade entre as aldeias e os centros urbanos, como: álcool, drogas, prostituição etc.
This work, based on a bibliographic survey, seeks to highlight the aspects present in the discussion about the presence of evangelical missionaries in the indigenous tribes of Brazil, answering whether the presence of the well-trained evangelical missionary has a positive or negative impact on indigenous culture. Using as a basis studies, research and interviews with people who have worked on this topic, as well as missionaries who have dedicated years of their lives to spelling and translating the language of some indigenous ethnicities. The work makes a survey of the main criticisms made to the presence of missionaries in the indigenous villages, for the evangelization of indigenous. But it also highlights the great benefits experienced by the tribes that have embraced the Gospel of Christ, as well as the good responses of this indigenous to the demands brought to them, as a result of the proximity between villages and urban centers, such as: alcohol, drugs, prostitution, etc…
This work, based on a bibliographic survey, seeks to highlight the aspects present in the discussion about the presence of evangelical missionaries in the indigenous tribes of Brazil, answering whether the presence of the well-trained evangelical missionary has a positive or negative impact on indigenous culture. Using as a basis studies, research and interviews with people who have worked on this topic, as well as missionaries who have dedicated years of their lives to spelling and translating the language of some indigenous ethnicities. The work makes a survey of the main criticisms made to the presence of missionaries in the indigenous villages, for the evangelization of indigenous. But it also highlights the great benefits experienced by the tribes that have embraced the Gospel of Christ, as well as the good responses of this indigenous to the demands brought to them, as a result of the proximity between villages and urban centers, such as: alcohol, drugs, prostitution, etc…
missionário , Evangelho , críticas , benefícios , missionary , gospel , criticism , benefits