A (in)constitucionalidade do ensino religioso confessional nas escolas públicas: análise e perspectivas da ADI 4.439
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Franchini, Fabiana Queiroz
Lorencini, Bruno César
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O Estado Laico é aquele que não possui uma crença oficial e nem permite que a religião conduza ou subjugue o Estado, portanto, ele se configura como neutro. Nesse sentido, a Constituição Federal de 1988 que vigora até os dias de hoje, confere liberdade de culto e assegura a prestação de assistência religiosa nas prisões e escolas, por exemplo. Ainda, institui o casamento religioso e criminaliza desrespeito a crenças e símbolos sagrados. Assim, o princípio da laicidade garante a toda sociedade a liberdade de crer e expressar a sua fé. Desse modo, alguns imbróglios surgiram a partir da instituição da Laicidade, como por exemplo, o uso de símbolos religiosos em repartições públicas ou a disponibilização de bíblias em bibliotecas públicas. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é debruçar sobre um desses impasses, mais especificamente a respeito do ensino religioso confessional, modelo adotado pelas escolas públicas atualmente. Através dessa dissertação será demonstrado se é válido concluir que há desconformidade dos artigos: 210 § 1º; 5º, inciso VI e 19 inciso I, todos da Constituição Federal, para com a decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal mediante a Ação Direta de Constitucionalidade nº 4.439, proposta pela Procuradoria Geral da República.
The Laic State is one that does not have an official belief and does not allow religion to lead or subjugate the State, therefore, it is configured as neutral. The Federal Constitution of 1988, which is still in force today, grants freedom of worship and ensures the provision of religious assistance in prisons and schools, for example. It also institutes religious marriage and criminalizes disrespect for sacred beliefs and symbols. Thus, the principle of secularism guarantees every society the freedom to believe and to express its faith. Because of that, some imbroglios arose from the institution of Secularism, such as the use of religious symbols in public offices or the availability of bibles in public libraries. The main objective of this work is to address one of these impasses, more specifically the confessional religious teaching, the model currently adopted by public schools. This dissertation will demonstrate whether it is valid to conclude that there is a lack of conformity of articles 210 § 1; 5, item VI and 19 item I, all of the Federal Constitution, with the decision of the Federal Supreme Court through the Direct Action of Constitutionality nº 4.439, proposed by the General Attorneys' Office.
The Laic State is one that does not have an official belief and does not allow religion to lead or subjugate the State, therefore, it is configured as neutral. The Federal Constitution of 1988, which is still in force today, grants freedom of worship and ensures the provision of religious assistance in prisons and schools, for example. It also institutes religious marriage and criminalizes disrespect for sacred beliefs and symbols. Thus, the principle of secularism guarantees every society the freedom to believe and to express its faith. Because of that, some imbroglios arose from the institution of Secularism, such as the use of religious symbols in public offices or the availability of bibles in public libraries. The main objective of this work is to address one of these impasses, more specifically the confessional religious teaching, the model currently adopted by public schools. This dissertation will demonstrate whether it is valid to conclude that there is a lack of conformity of articles 210 § 1; 5, item VI and 19 item I, all of the Federal Constitution, with the decision of the Federal Supreme Court through the Direct Action of Constitutionality nº 4.439, proposed by the General Attorneys' Office.
laicidade , liberdade religiosa , estado laico , ensino religioso confessional , secularism , religious freedom , secular state , confessional religious teaching