A flexibilização nas relações de trabalho
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Costa, Gabriel Pires da
Soares, Paulo Ferreira
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Esse Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - TCC tem por objetivo o estudo das modalidades de
contrato de trabalho no Brasil, com foco na flexibilização das relações de trabalho, fenômeno
que impacta a vida dos trabalhadores, pois gera mais insegurança e instabilidade para os
obreiros. Diante disso, o estudo se baseou pela análise histórica da evolução do Direito do
Trabalho no Brasil, chegando até o estudo do contrato de trabalho clássico e depois
enfrentando a problemática da flexibilização e das novas modalidades trazidas pela Reforma
Trabalhista (como o teletrabalho e o contrato intermitente), com auxílio da lei, da doutrina e
da jurisprudência. Embora a maior parte dos julgados encontrados tenham uma posição
favorável sobre o tema, a análise da doutrina em conjunto com a interpretação sistemática
com a Constituição Federal permite concluir que a flexibilização dos contratos de trabalho
tende a colidir com os princípios da Carta Magna, como a dignidade da pessoa humana e o
valor social do trabalho, na medida em que estimula a geração de empregos precários.
This Course Conclusion Paper - TCC aims to study the modalities of employment in Brazil, focusing on the flexibility of employment relationships, a phenomenon that impacts the lives of workers, because it generates more insecurity and instability for workers. Given this, the study was based on the historical analysis of the evolution of Labor Law in Brazil, reaching the study of the classic labor contract and then facing the issue of flexibility and the new modalities brought by the Labor Reform (such as telework and the intermttent contract), with the help of law, doctrine and case law. Although most of the judgments found have a favorable position on the subject, the analysis of the doctrine together with the systematic interpretation with the Federal Constitution allows us to conclude that the flexibility of employment contracts tends to clash with the principles of the Charter, such as dignity of the human person and the social value of work as it encourages the creation of precarious jobs.
This Course Conclusion Paper - TCC aims to study the modalities of employment in Brazil, focusing on the flexibility of employment relationships, a phenomenon that impacts the lives of workers, because it generates more insecurity and instability for workers. Given this, the study was based on the historical analysis of the evolution of Labor Law in Brazil, reaching the study of the classic labor contract and then facing the issue of flexibility and the new modalities brought by the Labor Reform (such as telework and the intermttent contract), with the help of law, doctrine and case law. Although most of the judgments found have a favorable position on the subject, the analysis of the doctrine together with the systematic interpretation with the Federal Constitution allows us to conclude that the flexibility of employment contracts tends to clash with the principles of the Charter, such as dignity of the human person and the social value of work as it encourages the creation of precarious jobs.
reforma trabalhista , contrato de trabalho , contrato de trabalho , flexibilização , employment contract , flexibilization , labor reform