Responsabilidade civil dos times de futebol no âmbito do estatuto do torcedor e do código de defesa do consumidor pelos danos causados pelas torcidas organizadas
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Chieregato, Isabela Felippe
Bdine Junior, Hamid Charaf
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O presente trabalho discursa sobre a possibilidade de responsabilização do clube de
futebol em face dos danos que as torcidas organizadas causam no ambiente desportivo, observando
a aplicação do Estatuto do Torcedor (Lei 10.671/03) e do Código de Defesa do Consumidor (Lei
8.078/90). Será explicada a relação jurídica entre o torcedor e o time de futebol e a relação entre a
entidade desportiva e as torcidas organizadas. A partir do estudo de doutrinas, jurisprudências e
dispositivos legais, será afirmada a responsabilidade do time em indenizar aqueles que sofreram
danos por conta de falhas da segurança na prestação do serviço, que é a partida de futebol, bem
como identificar o nexo de causalidade entre o dano e o defeito do serviço. Também será
apresentado, com base no estudo da legislação consumerista e no estudo de doutrinadores as
excludentes de responsabilidade, situação na qual é possível ausência de responsabilização do time
de futebol.
The present work discusses the possibility of the Soccer club being held responsible in the face of the damage that the organized fans cause in the sports environment, observing the application of the Fan's Statute (Law 10.671/03) and the Consumer Protection Code (Law 8.078/90). It will be explained the legal relationship between the fan and the Soccer team, and the relationship between the sports entity and the organized fans. Based on the study of doctrine, jurisprudence and legal provisions, the team's responsibility will be asserted to indemnify those who suffered damages due to failures in the security of the service, which is the Soccer match, as well as to identify the causal link between the damage and service defect. It will also be presented, based on the study of consumerist legislation and indoctrinators, the disclaimers, where it is possible that the football team will not be held responsible.
The present work discusses the possibility of the Soccer club being held responsible in the face of the damage that the organized fans cause in the sports environment, observing the application of the Fan's Statute (Law 10.671/03) and the Consumer Protection Code (Law 8.078/90). It will be explained the legal relationship between the fan and the Soccer team, and the relationship between the sports entity and the organized fans. Based on the study of doctrine, jurisprudence and legal provisions, the team's responsibility will be asserted to indemnify those who suffered damages due to failures in the security of the service, which is the Soccer match, as well as to identify the causal link between the damage and service defect. It will also be presented, based on the study of consumerist legislation and indoctrinators, the disclaimers, where it is possible that the football team will not be held responsible.
responsabilidade civil , times de futebol , código de defesa do consumidor , civil liability , soccer teams , consumer protection code