O fortalecimento das facções criminosas no Brasil, em decorrência do encarceramento em massa
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Castelani, Rafael Piazza
Fabretti, Humberto Barrionuevo
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A presente pesquisa foi elaborada em virtude do atual sistema carcerário
brasileiro, cujas condições caóticas e estruturalmente punitivistas acabam por
fortalecer consideravelmente as facções criminosas no país. Logo, os objetivos
deste artigo consistem em trazer o contexto histórico acerca do surgimento das
principais organizações criminosas do país, bem como analisar o encarceramento
em massa e seu viés social, econômico e político, objetivando a compreensão do
por quê o atual sistema penitenciário brasileiro fortalece as facções criminosas, visto
que este é um dos principais fatores para a filiação dos prisioneiros ao crime
organizado. Destarte, é imprescindível destacar a responsabilidade do Estado
brasileiro em adotar políticas públicas e abordar de maneira equitativa e reeducativa
a execução penal brasileira, que além de encarcerar em massa, não é eficaz no
quesito de ressocialização do indivíduos para a reinserção dos mesmos em
sociedade. Para perfazer estes objetivos, foram utilizadas pesquisas bibliográficas
realizadas através de livros, teses e artigos referentes ou que abordam a temática
aqui discutida.
This research was elaborated due to the current Brazilian prison system, whose chaotic and structurally punitive conditions end up considerably strengthening criminal factions in the country. Therefore, the objectives of this article are to bring the historical context around the emergence of the main criminal organizations in the country, as well as to analyze mass incarceration and its social, economic and political bias, aiming to understand why the current Brazilian penitentiary system strengthens criminal factions, since this is one of the main factors for the affiliation of prisoners to organized crime. Thus, it is essential to highlight the responsibility of the Brazilian State to adopt public policies and to approach in an equitable and reeducative way the Brazilian penal execution, which, in addition to mass incarceration, is not effective in terms of resocialization of individuals for their reintegration into society. To achieve these objectives, bibliographical researches carried out through books, theses and articles referring to or approaching the theme discussed here were used.
This research was elaborated due to the current Brazilian prison system, whose chaotic and structurally punitive conditions end up considerably strengthening criminal factions in the country. Therefore, the objectives of this article are to bring the historical context around the emergence of the main criminal organizations in the country, as well as to analyze mass incarceration and its social, economic and political bias, aiming to understand why the current Brazilian penitentiary system strengthens criminal factions, since this is one of the main factors for the affiliation of prisoners to organized crime. Thus, it is essential to highlight the responsibility of the Brazilian State to adopt public policies and to approach in an equitable and reeducative way the Brazilian penal execution, which, in addition to mass incarceration, is not effective in terms of resocialization of individuals for their reintegration into society. To achieve these objectives, bibliographical researches carried out through books, theses and articles referring to or approaching the theme discussed here were used.
facções criminosas , encarceramento em massa , crime organizado , sistema carcerário , criminal factions , mass incarceration , organized crime , prison system