Um estudo para o desenvolvimento do livro-reportagem "pioneiras: mulheres que fazem história"
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Simão, Rebeca Tressoldi
Santoro, André Cioli Taborda
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Este trabalho de conclusão de curso teve como propósito permitir uma reflexão sobre
o empoderamento feminino, ao compartilhar histórias de mulheres realizadas em suas
carreiras. Suas histórias de vida demonstram que o caminho para a realização está
relacionado principalmente à independência financeira, além da persistência e
determinação para alcançar suas metas. Na parte prática do trabalho, o objetivo foi
produzir um livro-reportagem sobre empreendedorismo feminino por meio de cinco
perfis de mulheres de destaque em suas profissões. O processo se iniciou com uma
pré-apuração, na busca por histórias de profissionais influentes e inspiradoras. Quatro
das personagens foram descobertas por meio de sites e vídeos na internet, enquanto
apenas uma delas foi contatada por intermédio de terceiros. Depois de agendadas,
as entrevistas foram todas realizadas pessoalmente. O pós-apuração se deu com a
edição dos textos e desenvolvimento do projeto gráfico do livro. A junção de todos
esses processos resultou na coletânea de perfis: "Pioneiras: Mulheres Que Fazem
The purpose of this present paper was to enable a reflexion about female empowerment, by sharing stories of women fulfilled in their careers. Their life's history shows that the path to achievement is mainly connected to financial independence, as well as persistence and determination to reach for their goals. In the practical part of the paper, the objective was to produce a book-article about female entrepreneurship through five profiles of prominent women in their professions. The process was iniciated by pre-examination, in the search for stories of influential and inspiring female professionals. Four of the characters were discovered by means of websites and videos on the internet, while only one of them was contacted by third parties. After they were scheduled, all the interviews were realized in person. The post-examination part was based in text editing and development of the graphic project of the book article. The combination of all these processes resulted in the collection of profiles called "Pioneiras: Mulheres Que Fazem História"
The purpose of this present paper was to enable a reflexion about female empowerment, by sharing stories of women fulfilled in their careers. Their life's history shows that the path to achievement is mainly connected to financial independence, as well as persistence and determination to reach for their goals. In the practical part of the paper, the objective was to produce a book-article about female entrepreneurship through five profiles of prominent women in their professions. The process was iniciated by pre-examination, in the search for stories of influential and inspiring female professionals. Four of the characters were discovered by means of websites and videos on the internet, while only one of them was contacted by third parties. After they were scheduled, all the interviews were realized in person. The post-examination part was based in text editing and development of the graphic project of the book article. The combination of all these processes resulted in the collection of profiles called "Pioneiras: Mulheres Que Fazem História"
empoderamento feminino , empreendedorismo , livro-reportagem , female empowerment , entrepreneurship , book-article