Uma análise da possibilidade de revisão de contratos de take or pay
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Gondinho, Juliana Doria
Melo, Diogo Leonardo Machado de
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Este trabalho pretende analisar a possibilidade de revisão de contratos com cláusula de take or
pay. Inicialmente, faz-se uma contextualização do histórico econômico da referida cláusula.
Ato contínuo, passa-se a apresentar, de forma resumida, as diversas naturezas que são atribuídas
à cláusula de take or pay – cláusula penal, obrigação alternativa, contrato aleatório ou cláusula
de garantia. Em seguida, parte-se para a análise da possibilidade de revisão. Para isso, é feita
uma análise sobre contratos civis e empresariais e os impactos da onerosidade excessiva, bem
como por eventos de força maior e caso fortuito nas relações contratuais. Por fim, feitas todas
essas considerações, o trabalho chega em seu objeto - a análise quanto à possibilidade de revisão
de cláusula de take or pay, tendo sido feita, para isso uma pesquisa empírica de precedentes do
Eg. Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo. Como resultado, restou demonstrado que a qualificação
jurídica da cláusula de take or pay, a despeito de sua relevância no mercado, ainda encontra
significante divergência no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Como consequência, observa-se a
incerteza quanto à possibilidade de revisão de contratos de take or pay.
This paper aims to analyze the possibility of reviewing contracts with a take-or-pay clause. Initially, the economic history of this clause is contextualized. It then goes on to briefly present the various natures attributed to the take or pay clause - penal clause, alternative obligation, random contract or guarantee clause. This is followed by an analysis of the possibility of review. To this end, a contextualization of civil and business contracts and the impact of excessive onerosity and events of force majeure and unforeseeable circumstances on contractual relations is made. Finally, having made all these considerations, the work arrives at its object - the analysis of the possibility of reviewing a take-or-pay clause, for which an empirical survey of precedents from the São Paulo Court of Justice was carried out. As a result, it was shown that the legal classification of the take or pay clause, despite its relevance in the market, still finds significant divergence in the Brazilian legal system. As a result, there is uncertainty about the possibility of reviewing take or pay contracts.
This paper aims to analyze the possibility of reviewing contracts with a take-or-pay clause. Initially, the economic history of this clause is contextualized. It then goes on to briefly present the various natures attributed to the take or pay clause - penal clause, alternative obligation, random contract or guarantee clause. This is followed by an analysis of the possibility of review. To this end, a contextualization of civil and business contracts and the impact of excessive onerosity and events of force majeure and unforeseeable circumstances on contractual relations is made. Finally, having made all these considerations, the work arrives at its object - the analysis of the possibility of reviewing a take-or-pay clause, for which an empirical survey of precedents from the São Paulo Court of Justice was carried out. As a result, it was shown that the legal classification of the take or pay clause, despite its relevance in the market, still finds significant divergence in the Brazilian legal system. As a result, there is uncertainty about the possibility of reviewing take or pay contracts.
Trabalho indicado pela banca examinadora ao prêmio TCC
contratos , cláusula de take or pay , natureza jurídica , possibilidade de revisão , contracts , take or pay clause , legal nature , possibility of revision