Financiamento dos direitos sociais e sua efetivação pela participação social: orçamento participativo
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Mantovani, Melissa da Oliveira
Gioia, Fulvia Helena de
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O presente trabalho tem como objeto abordar o funcionamento do financiamento dos direitos sociais e a sua efetivação por via de políticas públicas, as quais são colocadas como principal instrumento para concretização dos preceitos constitucionais. A partir da redemocratização do país, nos anos 80, o Estado brasileiro passou a ter uma outra funcionalidade para sociedade, e, não somente o regulador do mercado e criador e impositor de lei e normas, passando a ter um papel de garantidor de direitos básicos a dignidade da vida humana. Ao mesmo passo, ao assumir esta postura de Estado Garantidor do Bem-Estar Social, o poder público deverá agir, por via de seus instrumentos e mecanismo, para que a eficácia deste Estado, e, consequentemente, de sua Constituição sejam assegurados. Como indicativo, a abordagem adotará a participação popular como o objeto central das discussões sociais acerca do tema relativo ao orçamento público e a sua escassez de recursos no país, incluindo o tema referente ao orçamento participativo.
This paper aims to address the functioning of the financing of social rights and their realization through public policies, which are placed as the main instrument for the realization of constitutional precepts. Since the re-democratization of the country in the 1980s, the Brazilian State has had another function for society, not only as a market regulator and creator and enforcer of laws and norms, but as a guarantor of basic rights and the dignity of human life. At the same time, by assuming this posture of a Welfare Guarantor State, the public power must act, through its instruments and mechanisms, so that the effectiveness of this State and, consequently, of its Constitution are assured. As an indication, the approach will adopt popular participation as the central object of social discussions on the issue of public budget and its scarcity of resources in the country, including the issue of participatory budgeting.
This paper aims to address the functioning of the financing of social rights and their realization through public policies, which are placed as the main instrument for the realization of constitutional precepts. Since the re-democratization of the country in the 1980s, the Brazilian State has had another function for society, not only as a market regulator and creator and enforcer of laws and norms, but as a guarantor of basic rights and the dignity of human life. At the same time, by assuming this posture of a Welfare Guarantor State, the public power must act, through its instruments and mechanisms, so that the effectiveness of this State and, consequently, of its Constitution are assured. As an indication, the approach will adopt popular participation as the central object of social discussions on the issue of public budget and its scarcity of resources in the country, including the issue of participatory budgeting.
direitos sociais , políticas públicas , dignidade humana , orçamento participativo , social rights , public policies , human dignity , participatory budgeting