O papel da vítima no desenvolvimento do crime
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Pinho, Leticia Furtado Miranda
Moreira Filho, Guaracy
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É certo o fato de que a vítima, ao longo de toda a história da humanidade, restou à margem de toda a sociedade e de todo sistema jurídico, seja ele nacional ou mundial. Desamparadas, contam, quando muito, apenas com o apoio familiar para encontrar este amparo e consolo no longo processo de recuperação física, psicologia e patrimonial de um crime, sem receber por parte do agente vitimizador, consequentemente, do Judiciário, qualquer tipo reparação dos danos a elas causados. Não obstante, aquele que é sujeito passivo de um crime jamais recebeu a atenção que lhe é devida, qual seja, como elemento fundamental a ser entendido dentro do fenômeno criminal. A Justiça, desatenta às mais novas tendências da ciência jurídica, mais especificamente, a Vitimologia, não percebe a vital importância com a qual atua a vítima, muitas vezes, para a gênese e desenvolvimento do crime. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho se destina a analisar, de forma abrangente, o instituto da Vitimologia, sua origem, importância, desenvolvimento e aplicação prática no combate à criminalidade.
Certainly, the fact that the victim, throughout the history of humanity, remained on the sidelines of the whole society and legal system at all national and global. Abandoned, they have, at most, only the family support to find refuge and consolation in the long process of physical, psychology and property recovery of a crime, without receiving from the judiciary any compensation for damage caused by the agent of the crime. However, the crime’s victim never received the attention it is due, that is, as a fundamental element to be understood within the criminal phenomenon. The Justice, neglecting the newest trends of legal science, more specifically, the Victimology, do not realize the vital importance which operates the victim, often for the genesis and development of crime. Thus, this work is destined to examine, in a comprehensive way, the Institute of Victimology, its origin, importance, development and practical application in combating crime.
Certainly, the fact that the victim, throughout the history of humanity, remained on the sidelines of the whole society and legal system at all national and global. Abandoned, they have, at most, only the family support to find refuge and consolation in the long process of physical, psychology and property recovery of a crime, without receiving from the judiciary any compensation for damage caused by the agent of the crime. However, the crime’s victim never received the attention it is due, that is, as a fundamental element to be understood within the criminal phenomenon. The Justice, neglecting the newest trends of legal science, more specifically, the Victimology, do not realize the vital importance which operates the victim, often for the genesis and development of crime. Thus, this work is destined to examine, in a comprehensive way, the Institute of Victimology, its origin, importance, development and practical application in combating crime.
victimology , victims’ participation , vitimologia , participação da vítima