Linchamento virtual e o tribunal da internet: Aplicabilidade do direito ao esquecimento nos meios digitais
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Arbex, Laís Fonseca
Messa, Ana Flávia
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Em atenção ao progressivo desenvolvimento cibernético, as mais variadas tecnologias estão em frequente avanço de ubiquidade, sofisticação e integração mundial. Mormente com o advento da Internet, possibilitando plataformas de interatividade virtual, a coletividade gradualmente é entendida como um conjunto de usuários em constante atividade de consumo de informações e comunicação digital. Para mais, a sociedade é conectada em uma rede infindável de ferramentas, na qual pessoas são facilmente excluídas, bloqueadas e expostas a despeito de consentimento. Dessa participação fugaz, conteúdos de qualquer natureza, uma vez publicados, são perenizados nesses espaços. Incorrem reações instantâneas, propagações sistêmicas e remover o material em comento deixa de ser uma opção exequível: o titular não mais detém controle. Essa característica inolvidável do ciberespaço é acentuada em circunstâncias litigiosas, de modo que condutas minimamente questionáveis, ao serem divulgadas de forma abrangente, provocam uma resposta negativa e generalizada pelos demais internautas. À medida que ofendem e procuram rechaçar o indivíduo exposto, objetivando isolá-lo e excluí-lo do meio, contrariamente passam a eternizar seus atos ou dizeres. Trata-se de um comportamento amplamente reiterado e que concede à Internet a figura de um verdadeiro Tribunal, apto a julgar a tudo e a todos, sem o benefício da defesa ou garantia processual. À vista disso, a presente monografia provoca a união de dois assuntos aparentemente antônimos: a Internet e o direito ao esquecimento, à luz de um contexto de castigo digital. Para tanto, com amparo de estudo bibliográfico, legislativo, jurisprudencial e de situações práticas, se fez necessário analisar a passagem das eras tecnológicas, pesquisando-se o momento em que a sociedade restou inserida social e industrialmente, e como ela reage à exposição digital. Em sequência, averigou-se que a realidade virtual compreende um quinto dimensionamento de direitos fundamentais, com marcas jurídicas, ideais e peculiariedades próprias. Apontou-se, enfim, a origem e propósito do direito ao esquecimento, bem como sua eventual aplicabilidade ao linchamento virtual – evento este que, por sua vez, acompanha o mundo há tempos, mas garantiu novos contornos na atualidade por sua digitalização.
In attention to the progressive cybernetic development, the most varied technologies are in frequent advance of ubiquity, sophistication and worldwide integration. Especially with the advent of the Internet enabling virtual interactivity platforms, the collectivity is gradually understood as a set of users in constant activity of information consumption and digital communication. Furthermore, society is connected in an endless network of tools in which people are easily excluded, blocked and exposed in spite of consent. From this fleeting participation, content of any nature is perennialized in these spaces once published. Instantaneous reactions and systemic propagation happen and the removal of the material in debate is no longer a feasible option: the owner has no control. This unforgettable characteristic of cyberspace is accentuated in litigious circumstances, inasmuch as publishing a minimally questionable conduct in a comprehensive manner causes a negative and widespread response by other Internet users. As they offend and seek to reject the individual exposed, aiming to isolate and exclude from their environment, on the contrary they begin to eternalize the controversial acts or sayings. This is a widely reiterated behavior that grants the Internet the figure of a true Court, able to judge everything and everyone without the benefit of the defense or procedural guarantee. In view of this, the present monograph brings together two apparently antonyms: the Internet and the right to be forgotten in the light of a context of digital punishment. For this, with the support of bibliographic, legislative, jurisprudential and practical studies, it was necessary to analyze the passage of the technological ages, researching the moment in which society was left socially and industrially inserted and how is the reaction to digital exposure. In sequence, it was found that virtual reality comprises a fifth dimensioning of fundamental rights with legal marks, ideals and peculiarities of its own. Finally, the origin and purpose of the right to be forgotten was pointed out as well as its eventual applicability to virtual lynching – an event that in turn has followed the world for some time, but has ensured new contours today due to its digitalization.
In attention to the progressive cybernetic development, the most varied technologies are in frequent advance of ubiquity, sophistication and worldwide integration. Especially with the advent of the Internet enabling virtual interactivity platforms, the collectivity is gradually understood as a set of users in constant activity of information consumption and digital communication. Furthermore, society is connected in an endless network of tools in which people are easily excluded, blocked and exposed in spite of consent. From this fleeting participation, content of any nature is perennialized in these spaces once published. Instantaneous reactions and systemic propagation happen and the removal of the material in debate is no longer a feasible option: the owner has no control. This unforgettable characteristic of cyberspace is accentuated in litigious circumstances, inasmuch as publishing a minimally questionable conduct in a comprehensive manner causes a negative and widespread response by other Internet users. As they offend and seek to reject the individual exposed, aiming to isolate and exclude from their environment, on the contrary they begin to eternalize the controversial acts or sayings. This is a widely reiterated behavior that grants the Internet the figure of a true Court, able to judge everything and everyone without the benefit of the defense or procedural guarantee. In view of this, the present monograph brings together two apparently antonyms: the Internet and the right to be forgotten in the light of a context of digital punishment. For this, with the support of bibliographic, legislative, jurisprudential and practical studies, it was necessary to analyze the passage of the technological ages, researching the moment in which society was left socially and industrially inserted and how is the reaction to digital exposure. In sequence, it was found that virtual reality comprises a fifth dimensioning of fundamental rights with legal marks, ideals and peculiarities of its own. Finally, the origin and purpose of the right to be forgotten was pointed out as well as its eventual applicability to virtual lynching – an event that in turn has followed the world for some time, but has ensured new contours today due to its digitalization.
direitos fundamentais , quinta dimensão , direito ao esquecimento , fundamental rights , fifth dimension , right to be forgotten , digital environment