Transfeminicídio : uma análise da proteção jurídica das mulheres trans no Brasil
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Cavalcanti, Adrya de Vasconcelos Neves
Inacio, Mariana Secorun
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A violência de gênero é utilizada pelo poder estatal dentro do sistema de justiça criminal para
excluir e punir grupos que não se encaixam nos padrões culturais heterossexistas. As pessoas
travestis e transgêneras são identificadas como marginalizadas nesse contexto, sofrendo com a
violência institucional do Estado, o que as torna vulneráveis à criminalização e resulta em uma
falta de atenção jurídica para suas questões específicas relacionadas à identidade de gênero. O
estudo foca na análise do transfeminicídio e na proteção jurídica das mulheres trans no Brasil
pelas lentes da Criminologia Crítica, Criminologia Feminista e Criminologia Queer,
explicitando como e por que ocorre a violência e a discriminação enfrentadas por essa
população, abordando as raízes patriarcais da violência de gênero e destacando a hierarquia
estabelecida pelo patriarcado que marginaliza mulheres trans. Ao fim, constatou-se que apenas
a reformulação da Lei do Feminicídio não seria suficiente para sanar o problema central, que é
a falta de efetividade do sistema de justiça criminal vigente em proteger as mulheres trans, uma
vez que esse sistema perpetua noções de raça, gênero e classe enraizadas em ideais coloniais,
que continuam influenciando as estruturas sociais contemporâneas, e operam com o propósito
de perpetuar a violência de gênero direcionada a grupos específicos, como as mulheres trans.
Indivíduos que não se conformam com os padrões heteronormativos são rapidamente
marginalizados e considerados dispensáveis pelo sistema, resultando na falta de proteção de
seus direitos. Quanto à metodologia, foi empregada uma pesquisa bibliográfica para explorar
as complexidades das questões de gênero e para compreender os conceitos da Criminologia
Crítica, Criminologia Queer e Criminologia Feminista, além de análise qualitativa de dados
estatísticos e projetos de lei, a fim de entender os fenômenos ligados à violência de gênero
voltada para mulheres trans.
Gender-based violence is used by state power within the criminal justice system to exclude and punish groups that do not fit into heterosexist cultural standards. Transvestites and transgender people are identified as marginalized in this context, suffering from institutional violence from the State, which makes them vulnerable to criminalization and results in a lack of legal attention to their specific issues related to gender identity. The study focuses on the analysis of transfeminicide and the legal protection of trans women in Brazil through the lenses of Critical Criminology, Feminist Criminology, and Queer Criminology, explaining how and why the violence and discrimination faced by this population occur, addressing the patriarchal roots of violence of gender and highlighting the hierarchy established by patriarchy that marginalizes trans women. In the end, it was found that just reformulating the Feminicide Law would not be enough to solve the central problem, which is the lack of effectiveness of the current criminal justice system in protecting trans women, since this system perpetuates notions of race. , gender and class rooted in colonial ideals, which continue to influence contemporary social structures, and operate to perpetuate gender-based violence targeted at specific groups, such as trans women. Individuals who do not conform to heteronormative standards are quickly marginalized and considered dispensable by the system, resulting in a lack of protection for their rights. As for the methodology, bibliographical research was used to explore the complexities of gender issues and to understand the concepts of Critical Criminology, Queer Criminology, and Feminist Criminology, in addition to qualitative analysis of statistical data and bills, in order to understand the phenomena linked to gender-based violence aimed at trans women.
Gender-based violence is used by state power within the criminal justice system to exclude and punish groups that do not fit into heterosexist cultural standards. Transvestites and transgender people are identified as marginalized in this context, suffering from institutional violence from the State, which makes them vulnerable to criminalization and results in a lack of legal attention to their specific issues related to gender identity. The study focuses on the analysis of transfeminicide and the legal protection of trans women in Brazil through the lenses of Critical Criminology, Feminist Criminology, and Queer Criminology, explaining how and why the violence and discrimination faced by this population occur, addressing the patriarchal roots of violence of gender and highlighting the hierarchy established by patriarchy that marginalizes trans women. In the end, it was found that just reformulating the Feminicide Law would not be enough to solve the central problem, which is the lack of effectiveness of the current criminal justice system in protecting trans women, since this system perpetuates notions of race. , gender and class rooted in colonial ideals, which continue to influence contemporary social structures, and operate to perpetuate gender-based violence targeted at specific groups, such as trans women. Individuals who do not conform to heteronormative standards are quickly marginalized and considered dispensable by the system, resulting in a lack of protection for their rights. As for the methodology, bibliographical research was used to explore the complexities of gender issues and to understand the concepts of Critical Criminology, Queer Criminology, and Feminist Criminology, in addition to qualitative analysis of statistical data and bills, in order to understand the phenomena linked to gender-based violence aimed at trans women.
transfeminicídio , mulher trans , violência de gênero , feminismo , queer , transfeminicide , trans woman , gender violence , feminism , queer