Guarda compartilhada e oficinas parentais: uma forma de inibir os efeitos da alienação parental
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Sant'Anna, Beatriz Orsi Caminha
Andreucci, Ana Cláudia Pompeu Torezan
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Este artigo científico pretende demonstrar a relação direta entre a guarda compartilhada e a inibição da alienação parental, podendo ser usada como ferramenta acessória as Oficinas Parentais como instrumento de apoio para esta supressão. Pretende-se demonstrar a importância do entendimento atual do poder familiar na realidade social brasileira. No mais, apresentam-se as modalidades de guarda existentes na legislação brasileira, diferenciando estas e explicando a preferência contemporânea quanto a guarda compartilhada. Por fim, o presente estudo entende que a norma positivada no ordenamento jurídico demonstra-se eficaz para a opressão da alienação parental na maioria dos casos, sendo então as Oficinas Parentais uma solução para as desavenças existentes entre os genitores.
This article intends on demonstrating the correlation between the shared guard and the inhibitions that come from the parental alienation and enabling it to be used as an accessory tool to support this suppression. This work has the purpose on showing how understanding the current reality of Brazilian families considering their power is of extreme importance. Furthermore, the article presents the different guard modalities that are in the Brazilian legislation, by distinguishing them and explaining the current preference to the shared guard. In conclusion, the present study understands that the rules shown in the legal order are effective to oppress the parental alienation in most of the cases, then being the parental workshops a solution to the existing disagreements between parents.
This article intends on demonstrating the correlation between the shared guard and the inhibitions that come from the parental alienation and enabling it to be used as an accessory tool to support this suppression. This work has the purpose on showing how understanding the current reality of Brazilian families considering their power is of extreme importance. Furthermore, the article presents the different guard modalities that are in the Brazilian legislation, by distinguishing them and explaining the current preference to the shared guard. In conclusion, the present study understands that the rules shown in the legal order are effective to oppress the parental alienation in most of the cases, then being the parental workshops a solution to the existing disagreements between parents.
alienação parental , poder familiar , guarda unilateral , guarda compartilhada , oficinas parentais , criança , parental alienation , parental authority , one-sided guard , shared guard , parental workshop , child