Um estudo sobre a diversidade e elitização no futebol brasileiro para a realização da grande reportagem online “futebol para todos”
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Capeloci, Lucas Barboza
Santoro, André Cioli T.
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Este trabalho de jornalismo embasa a grande reportagem online “Futebol Para
Todos: Diversidade e elitização no futebol brasileiro”, que aborda algumas das
mazelas existentes na sociedade dentro do esporte, como, machismo, assédio,
homofobia, racismo e democratização dos clubes. O futebol é o principal
esporte no Brasil que consegue retratar a realidade do país, caracterizando-se
como fenômeno sociocultural. Por meio de coletivos, movimentos,
pesquisadores, jornalistas, torcedores e demais personagens que vivem o
esporte bretão e lutam para combater as adversidades citadas, o site foi
dividido nas seguintes páginas: “Para elas”, “Para LGBT”, “Para todos os
povos” e “Elitização”, a fim de dar um maior aprofundamento ao tema.
This work of journalism bases the online report "Soccer for All: Diversity and elitization in Brazilian football ", which addresses some of the ills existing in society within the sport, such as machism, harassment, homophobia, racism and democratization of clubs. Soccer is the main sport in Brazil that can portray the reality of the country, characterizing itself as a sociocultural phenomenon. By means of collectives, movements, researchers, journalists, fans and other characters that live the sport Breton and fight to fight the mentioned adversities, the site was divided in the following pages: "For them", "For LGBT", "For all peoples" and "Elitization", to give more depth to the theme.
This work of journalism bases the online report "Soccer for All: Diversity and elitization in Brazilian football ", which addresses some of the ills existing in society within the sport, such as machism, harassment, homophobia, racism and democratization of clubs. Soccer is the main sport in Brazil that can portray the reality of the country, characterizing itself as a sociocultural phenomenon. By means of collectives, movements, researchers, journalists, fans and other characters that live the sport Breton and fight to fight the mentioned adversities, the site was divided in the following pages: "For them", "For LGBT", "For all peoples" and "Elitization", to give more depth to the theme.
Acesso online:
jornalismo , grande reportagem online , cultura , futebol , journalism , long form online journalism , culture , soccer