“Cacau amargo: uma história de espantar no sul da Bahia” webreportagem
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Antunes, Laura Quadros
Detoni, Márcia
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Este relatório fornece a base teórica e metodológica para a webreportagem “Cacau
Amargo: uma história de espantar no sul da Bahia”. A peça tem como objetivo
mostrar a realidade vivida por meeiros (trabalhadores das lavouras de cacau) na
região sul da Bahia. Para a realização deste trabalho, foram utilizadas uma pesquisa
bibliográfica e documental, com livros, artigos, reportagens e relatórios que abordam
a exploração de trabalhadores nas fazendas de cacau e o processo de produção
das reportagens transmidiáticas, além de serem realizadas entrevistas com diversas
pessoas com vivência no assunto e conhecimentos sobre o tema. A produção deste
material auxilia nos estudos dos meios de comunicação e possibilita os leitores
aprofundarem-se na história do cacau e, principalmente, dos meeiros na região sul
da Bahia, tema tão pouco presente na mídia e que precisa ser cada vez mais
This report provides the theoretical and methodological basis for the web report “Bitter cocoa: a scary story in southern Bahia”. The product aims to show the reality experienced by workers in cocoa plantations in the southern region of Bahia. To carry out this work, a bibliographic and documentary research was used, with books, articles, and reports that address the exploitation of workers on cocoa farms and the production process of transmedia reports, in addition to interviews with several people with experience in the subject and knowledge on the subject. The production of this material helps in the studies of the media and allows readers to delve deeper into the history of cocoa and, especially, meeiros in the southern region of Bahia, a topic that is so little present in the media and that needs to be increasingly discussed.
This report provides the theoretical and methodological basis for the web report “Bitter cocoa: a scary story in southern Bahia”. The product aims to show the reality experienced by workers in cocoa plantations in the southern region of Bahia. To carry out this work, a bibliographic and documentary research was used, with books, articles, and reports that address the exploitation of workers on cocoa farms and the production process of transmedia reports, in addition to interviews with several people with experience in the subject and knowledge on the subject. The production of this material helps in the studies of the media and allows readers to delve deeper into the history of cocoa and, especially, meeiros in the southern region of Bahia, a topic that is so little present in the media and that needs to be increasingly discussed.
Acesso online;
cacau , meeiros , jornalismo multimídia , humanizado , webreportagem , cocoa , meeiros , multimedia , humanized journalism , webreport