Organizações sociais de saúde no estado de São Paulo: um panorama atualizado
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Jinno, Douglas Takashi Arakaki
Pires, Antônio Cecílio Moreira
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Esta monografia trata do estudo das organizações sociais de saúde no Estado de São Paulo, analisando desde a introdução das organizações sociais pela reforma administrativa implantada pelo Governo Federal, até a última alteração legislativa referente à norma aplicada no âmbito estadual no ano de 2014. Neste trabalho levanta-se aspectos no tocante ao direito à saúde, dados produzidos pela Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito das organizações de saúde do Estado e os contratos de gestão. O objetivo desse estudo foi buscar um panorama mais recente da atuação das organizações sociais de saúde via contrato de gestão celebrado pelo Governo Estadual. A participação dessas entidades do terceiro setor mostra-se de grande importância para o atendimento à demanda da população, embora ainda necessite aperfeiçoar os mecanismos de controle.
This monograph deals with the study of social health organizations in the State of São Paulo, analyzing since the introduction of social organizations by administrative reform implemented by the Federal Government, until the last legislative amendment related to the applied at the state level in 2014. This work raises aspects regards the right to health, data produced by the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry of social health organizations and management contracts. The aim of this study was to seek a more recent overview of the performance of social health organizations by management contract concluded by the State Government. The participation of these entities in the third sector is of great importance for meeting the demand of the population, although it still needs to improve the control mechanisms.
This monograph deals with the study of social health organizations in the State of São Paulo, analyzing since the introduction of social organizations by administrative reform implemented by the Federal Government, until the last legislative amendment related to the applied at the state level in 2014. This work raises aspects regards the right to health, data produced by the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry of social health organizations and management contracts. The aim of this study was to seek a more recent overview of the performance of social health organizations by management contract concluded by the State Government. The participation of these entities in the third sector is of great importance for meeting the demand of the population, although it still needs to improve the control mechanisms.
terceiro setor , organização social de saúde , contrato de gestão , third sector , social health organizations , management contract