Lestat de Lioncourt : faces de um vampiro

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Hradec, Patricia
Atik, Maria Luiza Guarnieri
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Silva, Alexandre Meireles da
Trevisan, Ana Lúcia
Humphreys, Juliana Porto Chacon
Philippov, Renata
Vampires, supposedly immortal creatures, sometimes cause horror, but for the most part, fascination. Being cyclical creatures, they occasionally appear in works that sometimes hate them, sometimes worship them. This thesis aims to present the trajectory of the protagonist of Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles, the vampire Lestat de Lioncourt from three different moments: in the 1st volume, in 1976, Interview with the Vampire, he appears as a villain; in the 2nd volume, in 1985, The Vampire Lestat, he appears as a hero and, in the 11th volume, in 2014, Prince Lestat: The Vampire Chronicles, he appears as the prince of the vampires, organizing the tribe around the world. The path taken by Lestat leads us to reflections on the humanization of vampires and how these beings have survived, modified and updated themselves over the centuries. For this purpose, we will explain both Gothic Literature and literary vampires, from their origins in the 18th century, going through their transformations between the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, until reaching their relations with the writer Anne Rice. We will briefly present the three aforementioned works, as well as the concept of mise en abyme and its links with the Vampire Chronicles. We will also make connections with several theorists to strengthen our studies, such as Fred Botting (1999 e 2000), David Punter (2000 e 2004), Glennis Byron (2004), Nina Auerbach (1995), Julia Kristeva (1982), Claude Lecouteux (2005), J. Gordon Melton (2003), Zygmunt Bauman (1998, 2001 e 2008), Joseph Campbell (2007), David Roas (2014), Rosalba Campra (2016), among others. We will introduce Lestat as an oedipal vampire and a storyteller, in addition to his aspects regarding to villainy, heroism and principality. Finally, we will reflect on humanization and contemporaneity, as well as their relationships with Anne Rice's vampires.
vampiros , Anne Rice , Lestat de Lioncourt
Assuntos Scopus
HRADEC, Patricia. Lestat de Lioncourt : faces de um vampiro. 2020. 157 f. Tese (Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2020.