A adoção homoafetiva no sistema jurídico brasileiro
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Lopes, Nicole Jucá de Carvalho
Aguirre, João Ricardo Brandão
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o enfoque do presente artigo é apresentar as questões que envolvem a adoção de crianças e adolescentes por casais homoafetivos. Serão abordados assuntos como: requisitos, características e efeitos do instituto da adoção já previamente estabelecidos na Lei 8.069/90 qual seja o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. Nesse mesmo sentido, importa ressaltar que houve uma alteração legal e doutrinária devido às mudanças sociais, tal qual possibilitou uma ampliação do conceito de família e seus princípios norteadores, quais sejam a afetividade e o melhor interesse do menor. Este fato foi absolutamente imprescindível para a quebra do preconceito com os casais homoafetivos, tanto que por meio do julgamento conjunto da ADPF 132-RJ e da ADI 4277-DF pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, ficou concretizada a possibilidade da adoção homoafetiva, uma vez que equiparou os direitos de entidade familiar da união heteroafetiva com a união homoafetiva. Sendo assim, não se pode impedir a possibilidade de realização da adoção por casais do mesmo sexo, inclusive porque já restou comprovado pela melhor doutrina da psicologia que o adotado não desenvolverá qualquer problema psicológico ou terá a sua orientação sexual alterada em decorrência disso.
The focus of this article is to present the issues surrounding the adoption of children and adolescents by same-sex couples. Subjects such as: requirements, characteristics and effects of the adoption institute, previously established in Law 8.069 / 90, which is the Child and Adolescent Statute. In this same sense, it is important to note that there was a legal and doctrinal change due to social changes, which enabled an expansion of the concept of family and its guiding principles, which are the affection and the best interest of the child. This fact was absolutely essential for breaking prejudice against same-sex couples, through the joint judgment of ADPF 132-RJ and ADI 4277-DF by the Supreme Federal Court, the possibility of homoaffective adoption was accomplished, since it equated the rights of a family entity of the hetero-affective union with the homo-affective union. Therefore, the possibility of same-sex couples adopting cannot be prevented, also because it has already been proven by the best doctrine of psychology that the adopted person will not develop any psychological problem or have his sexual orientation altered as a result.
The focus of this article is to present the issues surrounding the adoption of children and adolescents by same-sex couples. Subjects such as: requirements, characteristics and effects of the adoption institute, previously established in Law 8.069 / 90, which is the Child and Adolescent Statute. In this same sense, it is important to note that there was a legal and doctrinal change due to social changes, which enabled an expansion of the concept of family and its guiding principles, which are the affection and the best interest of the child. This fact was absolutely essential for breaking prejudice against same-sex couples, through the joint judgment of ADPF 132-RJ and ADI 4277-DF by the Supreme Federal Court, the possibility of homoaffective adoption was accomplished, since it equated the rights of a family entity of the hetero-affective union with the homo-affective union. Therefore, the possibility of same-sex couples adopting cannot be prevented, also because it has already been proven by the best doctrine of psychology that the adopted person will not develop any psychological problem or have his sexual orientation altered as a result.
adoção , família , princípios , união homoafetiva , adoption , family , principles , homoaffective couples