Conflito entre a ANPD e a justiça eleitoral: limites e competência de fiscalização e sanção
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Santos, Milena Evelyn
Moreira, Diogo Rais Rodrigues
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Artigo científico para conclusão de curso, com foco no direito digital e eleitoral. O objeto deste estudo é discutir o conflito jurídico no que tange a competência e legitimidade na fiscalização e sanção existente entre a Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados (“ANPD”) e o Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE) durante o julgamento de violações relacionadas ao descumprimento das normas de privacidade e proteção de dados no âmbito das eleições. O presente artigo visa atingir a finalidade proposta por meio de pesquisa dogmática e instrumental, através da técnica de pesquisa jurisprudencial e bibliográfica, objetivando comparar ambos os órgãos públicos, suas aplicações e competências. Partindo assim de uma demonstração do contexto histórico do Direito Eleitoral, seguida da análise dos impactos da tecnologia nos dias atuais na esfera eleitoral e da importância do direito a privacidade e proteção de dados busca-se demonstrar os efeitos concernentes a privacidade e proteção de dados com foco principal nas campanhas políticas. Desta forma através do estudo realizado pode ser observado a relevância de garantir a uma autoridade especifica legitimidade e competência.
Scientific article to conclude the course, focusing on digital and electoral law. The object of this study is to discuss the legal conflict regarding the competence and legitimacy in the inspection and sanction existing between the National Data Protection Authority (“ANPD”) and the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) during the trial of violations related to non-compliance privacy and data protection rules in the context of the elections. This article aims to achieve the proposed purpose through dogmatic and instrumental research, using the jurisprudential and bibliographic research technique, aiming to compare both public agencies, their applications and competences. Thus, starting from a demonstration of the historical context of Electoral Law, followed by the analysis of the impacts of technology in the electoral sphere today and the importance of the right to privacy and data protection, we seek to demonstrate the effects concerning privacy and data protection with main focus on political campaigns. In this way, through the study carried out, the relevance of guaranteeing a specific authority legitimacy and competence can be observed.
Scientific article to conclude the course, focusing on digital and electoral law. The object of this study is to discuss the legal conflict regarding the competence and legitimacy in the inspection and sanction existing between the National Data Protection Authority (“ANPD”) and the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) during the trial of violations related to non-compliance privacy and data protection rules in the context of the elections. This article aims to achieve the proposed purpose through dogmatic and instrumental research, using the jurisprudential and bibliographic research technique, aiming to compare both public agencies, their applications and competences. Thus, starting from a demonstration of the historical context of Electoral Law, followed by the analysis of the impacts of technology in the electoral sphere today and the importance of the right to privacy and data protection, we seek to demonstrate the effects concerning privacy and data protection with main focus on political campaigns. In this way, through the study carried out, the relevance of guaranteeing a specific authority legitimacy and competence can be observed.
campanhas eleitorais , internet , direito digital , direito eleitoral , electoral campaigns , digital law , electoral law , police power