Análise de desempenho dos fundos imobiliários no Brasil no período de 2014 a 2022
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Gonçalves, Guilherme Franco Pereira
Oliveira, Silvia Franco de
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Membros da banca
Este trabalho tem como objetivo verificar se a rentabilidade dos Fundos de Investimentos Imobiliários (FIIs) é influenciada por indicadores macroeconômicos e de mercado no período de 2014 a 2022 no Brasil. Para isso, foi adotada a metodologia da regressão, método stepwise, com a finalidade de compreender a influência da inflação (IGPM e IPCA), de movimentos do mercado imobiliário (IMOB, FipeZap), de movimentos no mercado acionário (Ibovespa), movimentos na taxa de juros básica da economia (taxa Selic) e movimentos na economia (crises econômica, política e da Covid-19) sobre o retorno do IFIX, sendo este utilizado como proxy do retorno dos FIIs. Os resultados apontam que apenas a taxa Selic e o Ibovespa se colocam como variáveis explicativas do retorno do IFIX, sendo que a influência da taxa Selic é maior que a do Ibovespa, e ambos indicadores apresentam uma influência positiva. Palavras-chave: Fundos de Investimentos Imobiliários. FII. Mercado Imobiliário. Bolsa de Valores. Cenário Econômico.
The aim of the current study is to verify whether the profitability of Real Estate Investment Funds (FIIs) is influenced by macroeconomic and market indicators in the period from 2014 to 2022 in Brazil. For this, the regression methodology was adopted, the stepwise method, in order to understand the influence of inflation (IGPM and IPCA), movements in the real estate market (IMOB, FipeZap), movements in the stock market (Ibovespa), movements in the basic interest rate of the economy (Selic rate) and movements in the economy (economic, political and Covid-19 crises) on the return of the IFIX, which is used as a proxy for the return of FIIs. The results indicate that only the Selic rate and the Ibovespa are placed as explanatory variables of the IFIX return, and the influence of the Selic rate is greater than that of the Ibovespa, and both indicators have a positive influence.
The aim of the current study is to verify whether the profitability of Real Estate Investment Funds (FIIs) is influenced by macroeconomic and market indicators in the period from 2014 to 2022 in Brazil. For this, the regression methodology was adopted, the stepwise method, in order to understand the influence of inflation (IGPM and IPCA), movements in the real estate market (IMOB, FipeZap), movements in the stock market (Ibovespa), movements in the basic interest rate of the economy (Selic rate) and movements in the economy (economic, political and Covid-19 crises) on the return of the IFIX, which is used as a proxy for the return of FIIs. The results indicate that only the Selic rate and the Ibovespa are placed as explanatory variables of the IFIX return, and the influence of the Selic rate is greater than that of the Ibovespa, and both indicators have a positive influence.
fundos de investimentos imobiliários , FII , mercado imobiliário , bolsa de valores , cenário econômico , real estate investment funds , FII , real estate market , stock exchange , economic scenario