A família como modelo: concepções e expectativas parentais sobre aprendizagem infantil
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Nogueira, Carmen Silvia de Souza
Capovilla, Alessandra Gotuzo Seabra
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Membros da banca
Carreiro, Luiz Renato Rodrigues
Cavalini, Santuza Fernandes Silveira
Mota, Monica Maria de Angelis
Sprovieri, Maria Helena Siqueira
Cavalini, Santuza Fernandes Silveira
Mota, Monica Maria de Angelis
Sprovieri, Maria Helena Siqueira
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
This qualitative study analyzes the modality of learning among the families who received complaints from the school. This is done by identifying the modality of learning of the parents in order to understand their subjective position as teachers in nurturing the bond established with their children in relation to education. We assume that learning does not begin in school, but in the environment in which the child is born and raised, and many of children s attitudes outside the family environment reproduce their parents learning patterns, which in turn reveal the models they had in their relationships with their own parents. To that end, the theoretical axis focuses on authors who consider learning to be a result of not only cognitive potentiality, but also of the relationships established with a significant other, in this case with the parents as teaching figures. Our conception of learning, therefore, is that it is a binding process, shaped by the family legacy that underlies the construction of subjectivity, with each member having peculiarities in their development, albeit belonging to the same biological universe. The instruments for data collection were semi-structured interviews and graphic production of Peer Teaching and Family Teaching projection drawings from Visca (2009), amplified to measure the overlap between the current family and the parental family, thereby creating a joint assessment for the household. The data revealed the similarities and differences of parents in relation to their own and their child s learning, as well as the models brought from their own family backgrounds. The customized analysis of each family, the understanding of the place given to learning in these nuclei, the parental roles and functions associated with the children s needs, as well as the projections of the previous generation on the children, all converged with the identification of a learning model. The knowledge of family models shed light on the scope available to parents as they assist the child s achievements. By identifying parents concepts and modes of learning and the way they contribute to how children meet the challenge of school, we enable a future collaborative intervention process which takes into account points of ease and difficulty to guide the child through its education.
aprendizagem , queixa escolar , modelo de aprendizagem , par educativo , família educativa , learning , school complaint , learning model , peer teaching , family teaching
Assuntos Scopus
NOGUEIRA, Carmen Silvia de Souza. A família como modelo: concepções e expectativas parentais sobre aprendizagem infantil. 2014. 134 f. Tese (Doutorado em Psicologia) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2014.