Construção de túneis metroviários em TBM.
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Gioia, Angelo
Li, Eduardo
Nascimento, Fabiana
Kobashigawa, Karine
Li, Eduardo
Nascimento, Fabiana
Kobashigawa, Karine
Dinis, Henrique
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As principais metrópoles seguem curvas exponenciais de crescimento, por esta razão, percebe-se a necessidade da criação de infraestrutura de qualidade afetando minimamente o relevo existentes nessas cidades. Posto isto, o trabalho desenvolve-se na análise e discussão da consolidação da escavação mecanizada no Brasil, com foco na criação de túneis metroviários. São apresentadas as principais metodologias construtivas utilizadas na escavação de túneis, em especial, o New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM) – que inclui a escavação com recurso a explosivos (D-B) e roçadoras – e o método Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) – máquinas de escavação mecanizadas altamente eficientes na realização de túneis em solos rochosos. Realiza, para a compreensão das principais aplicações destes métodos, um estudo que compreende na análise das características geotécnicas e geológicas como requisito para escolha do método de escavação, tomando-se como estudo de caso, o perfil geológico ao longo da extensão da Linha 6 – Laranja, considerando fatores que foram decisivos na escolha do método e definição dos equipamentos de escavação.
The main metropolises follow exponential growth curves, and by this reason, it is noted the need to create high quality infrastructure that minimally affects the existent relief in these cities. With this statement, the work is developed in the analysis and discussion of the consolidation of mechanized excavation in Brazil, with a focus on the creation of subway tunnels. The main constructive methodologies used in tunnel excavation are presented, in particular, New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM) - which includes an excavation using explosive resources (D-B) and brushcutters – and the Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) method – mechanized digging machines that are highly efficient in tunneling through rocky soils. Realize, to understand the main applications of these methods, a study is carried out which includes the analysis of geotechnical and geological characteristics as a requirement for choosing the excavation method, taking the geological profile along the extension of Line 6 - Orange, these factors being decisive in the choice of method and definition of excavation equipment.
The main metropolises follow exponential growth curves, and by this reason, it is noted the need to create high quality infrastructure that minimally affects the existent relief in these cities. With this statement, the work is developed in the analysis and discussion of the consolidation of mechanized excavation in Brazil, with a focus on the creation of subway tunnels. The main constructive methodologies used in tunnel excavation are presented, in particular, New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM) - which includes an excavation using explosive resources (D-B) and brushcutters – and the Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) method – mechanized digging machines that are highly efficient in tunneling through rocky soils. Realize, to understand the main applications of these methods, a study is carried out which includes the analysis of geotechnical and geological characteristics as a requirement for choosing the excavation method, taking the geological profile along the extension of Line 6 - Orange, these factors being decisive in the choice of method and definition of excavation equipment.
túneis , TBM , NATM , construção de linha metroviária , tunnels , building of subway line